You DO realize that he's forgotten more about virology that you and I could ever hope to learn, right?
Which doesn't stop him from being completely wrong about this. The HIV virus has been observed, it's life cycle is documented. We have identified the disease, it's cause and it's effects.
You DO realize that, according to Koch's Postulate, for a virus to cause a disease, it MUST be present 100% of the time, right?
And guess what? It is. Perhaps not readily visible as the virus INVADES AND HIJACKS T CELLS, but it's there.
You DO realize that fully 15% of those with full blow AIDS have NO TRACE of HIV in their bodies, right?
Citation. You need it.
You DO realize that the symptoms of AIDS are so numerous as to cover just about any thing, right?
Yes, because the only symptom of AIDS is your immune system being wiped out So you have to depend on persistent symptoms of other diseases, and seeing the advanced stages. Not to mention, THAT'S KINDA WHY IT SPREADS. If people could readily and easily identify that, hey, I have AIDS, it would be easier to shut down.
Quit drinking the Kool-Aid and think.
I do. I think HIV is a blood/bodily fluid borne pathogen. I think it's very fragile, and doesn't survive outside of the body very long. I think there are a number of cases...DOCUMENTED cases of it being spread through contact other than sexual intercourse.
AIDS is quite likely the result of fecal material and foreign proteins (semen) entering the bloodstream via perforations in the lining of the rectum due to anal intercourse.
So how do women get it from their husbands? How about those heathen Hemophiliacs? Feces contaminated blood?
You see, those foreign proteins cause a very negative reaction in the body, which is why organ transplant recipients have to take anti-rejection drugs to severely suppress their immune system or it will viciously attack the transplanted organ and, in some cases, kill the person in the process. (And NO, there isn't semen in those organs. Just proteins that are foreign to the recipients body).
Except the reaction is the polar opposite. With a failed organ transplant, the body rejects it, attacks it, and you die of septic shock from a massive infection. When you die of AIDS...well you don't die of AIDS, you die of some other cheery disease invading your body, and growing wild and unfettered by your immune system.
Why is it that only those who regularly engage in anal intercourse ACQUIRE the "disease"? Heterosexual men don't.
Yes they do. Heterosexual women do too. Back women are among the fastest growing new infection group, as I recall.
In Africa, it is running rampant for a couple reasons...VERY dirty drinking water, a lack of a sewage system and that anal intercourse is widely practiced.
First, dirty water gives nasty, nasty parasites and pathogens, but the HIV virus is far, fa too delicate to survive in water. As for anal being rampant in Africe...again, citation, please.
So, WHO'S credibility is suffering? Just because YOU drink the Kool-Aid doesn't mean the rest of us will. That's a problem with you don't think for yourselves. You just parrot whatever "experts" determine the "consensus" is.
Were you not expounding on the unquestionable veracity of yor so called "expert" at the beginning?
Gotta say, I'm glad I'm free of that was really a bitch 25 years ago when I was stuck where you are now.
That's nice, I like gleaning the knowledge I have and using it to keep myself safe as opposed to jamming fingers into my ear and going "LALALALALALALANOTREALLALALALALALA!"