[The last in a silly list of reasons why women don't belong the workplace]
The reason many mothers work outside the home is to make ends meet. But if a woman develops the potential functions of her home and practices wise buying can greatly increase the finances of the home. Then in the book it showes a list of extra expenses cuased by the mother working outside the home: federal income tax, state income tax, social securtiy tax, tithe, transportation, meals, resaurant and carry-out meals (for lack of time to prepare one), extra clothes and cleaning, forfeited savings on thrift shopping, employee insurance, day care, and "I owe myself" expenses. It ended up that it either came out even or the family actually lost money
That's the stupidest argument ever.
'Don't bother working, the wages don't cover the costs of living.'
Teens4Christ is depressing, they're messing with their brains!
edit: I registered with the forum, but for some reason I'm not allowed to post.
pianopassion, presumably you're still in your teens and living with your parents.
Sadly, sooner or later you're going to discover there's a big and nasty world out there, and it doesn't owe you a living.
"federal income tax, state income tax, social securtiy tax, tithe, transportation, meals, resaurant and carry-out meals (for lack of time to prepare one), extra clothes and cleaning, forfeited savings on thrift shopping, employee insurance, day care, and "I owe myself" expenses."
Can't all of those (except possibly day care) be also attributed to when men work? So I guess men shouldn't work, because they'll just lose money.
Did anybody read the rest of that thread? Despite her belief that women shouldn't work outside the home, pianopassion later goes on to say that she'd prefer to be treated by a female doctor in order to maintain her modesty. So it's okay if other people sin (by your standards) as long as you benefit from it? I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning!
Sadly the half wit is half right. (talking about battlers with low to medium incomes, and the mother looking at part time work secretarial work or such things)
The fact that this is boosting the economy and giving the mother a sense of purpose and esteem and probably doing a better job than a man would is obviously beyond him.
Even Australia, which is depressingly right wing at the moment, is looking into ways to relieve taxes for the second income and subsidize childcare.
Every day your country falls just a little further behind where it could be or should be.
And does paw widdle piwanopwassion miss his mummy wummy after he gets beat up at school.
I call bullshit.
<<< federal income tax, state income tax, social securtiy tax >>>
All of those combined, you wouldn't break half of your wages.
<<< tithe >>>
There's an easy solution for that one. Don't go to church!
<<< transportation >>>
I have an internship with a 25-mile commute each way in heavy traffic, and what I spend on gas in a typical week I make in two hours of work. Count other maintenance costs and you might be up to half a day's pay tops. If public transportation or a bicycle is an option, you can probably cut those costs down by a factor of 5 or more.
<<< meals >>>
Right, like they're not going to eat if they don't work.
<<< resaurant and carry-out meals (for lack of time to prepare one) >>>
That's going to increase the cost somewhat, yes, but unless you're planning on going to a steakhouse every day, there's no way it'll put that big a dent in your budget.
<<< extra clothes and cleaning >>>
A once a year expense, perhaps (as far as extra clothes go), and unless you have to dress up so much that all your stuff needs dry-cleaning (and if that's the case, I'm dead certain your job will more than cover your expenses) your laundry costs won't increase; you'll just be washing different clothes.
<<< forfeited savings on thrift shopping >>>
If you are able to afford buying better stuff rather than going to the thrift store and getting everything secondhand, aren't you better off?
<<< day care >>>
What if you don't have kids or they're old enough to deal with being home alone a few hours a day after school? (Or perhaps, as was the case for me for a few years, a neighbor would be willing to take care of it.)
<<< "I owe myself" expenses >>>
Assuming, for the moment, that I am correct in my interpretation of that, see response to the "thrift shopping" item.
What a dumbass! As if there aren't those of us who both worked and found a way to save money (and even brown bagged to work).
Good luck with the real world, there, sweetie. Hope they make a pill strong enough to help you survive the shock.
No one is going to support your Stockholm syndrom ass, unless they are just as fundie as you, in which case say goodbye to all your freedoms inside and outside the time.
You don't have to put down the Babble if you don't want too, but get a degree while you can and make sure you can support yourself.
People can make a full-time job out of cooking, cleaning, teaching, and saing money for people outside of their families, and yet people seem to expect mothers to do all that and more gratis.
Does "wise buying" sound like a full-time job to anyone else? My dad can spend hours looking for the lowest price on a can of beans; this involves comparison shopping at the two big grocery stores in his town. I think that's a false economy, considering the investment of time and gasoline. Now that kind of thing is being shown to homemakers as an economy, and I wonder: who is blamed if such a thing fails to economize? The homemaker, or the idiot who insists that she can never have anything new or anything for herself?
you've never bought groceries, done laundry, had your own transportation costs, had kids, or paid tax. What the fuck would you know about this, again?
<<< day care >>>
What if you don't have kids or they're old enough to deal with being home alone a few hours a day after school?
Then you're a bad baptist! Get'cher butt back in the marital chamber, take out that sinful diaphragm, and start cranking out babies!
Nothing in your argument shows that the woman is the one to stay at home. All the extra expenses are "cuased" by the father working outside the home too. Everything regarding child-care, except the breast-feeding, a father can do, just as well as a mother.
Besides, I can walk to work, I can wear whatever I want (as long as it's clean and whole) and when I make dinner at home I make more and save the left-over to bring to work as lunch.
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