So proper hygiene includes:
not eating pork, not eating shellfish, burnt offerings, sprinkling blood all over the place, sacrificing animals, linen underwear, burning people to death for using the wrong incense, grasshoppers and beetles are okay to eat, women need to be locked away for one week a month because they're disgusting, women need to be locked away for a couple of months after childbirth because they're disgusting, sending a goat out into the wilderness will clean a city. Ah screw it, I can't go through the entire book.
BTW you know that salmon technically has a skin, not scales (same as sharks) therefore is unclean.
And exactly what is "the uncleanliness of man"? Stool? Penis? Because if it's Penis, it must be rather difficult to take a holy piss.
The rest of it is what would of been considered common sense at the time, ways to diagnose leprosy, baldness isn't leprosy, diagnosing STD. Although how killing animals cures leprosy, I couldn't tell you.
This sinning through ignorance - seriously, how can you confess a sin that you didn't even know you committed? Everyone is screwed.
It's amazing how the priests got the best cuts of meat, since they were "holy". Shows religious scams have been going on since the beginning, doesn't it.
And lying for Jesus means that you owe god a "lamb without blemish, and the OB-Gyn's of this world an apology.