Tim Dukeman #fundie afellowtruthseeker.blogspot.com

[From a year-old post about the anti-gay comments made by ESPN's Chris Broussard, who still works for ESPN as of May 1, 2014; bolding mine.]

An ESPN the Magazine Senior Writer said that homosexuals aren't Christians and that they're living in open rebellion against God (he's right, of course).

Incredible. You can tell that he doesn't care that he's going to lose his job over this. He just committed career suicide to affirm what the Bible says. Amazing courage.

And make no mistake, dear reader: he will be fired. There's no way ESPN will allow him to keep his job after this. If they fired Anthony Federico for what was obviously an honest mistake ("chink in the armor" is a very common idiom), they'll definitely fire Broussard.

Based on what I've seen so far, I would expect that he will rejoice to have been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name (Acts 5:41). This sort of moment is going to come for every Christian in America. Here's hoping that we all have the courage stand up the way that Chris Broussard did.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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