Lucius L Bultman Sr. #fundie

Much has been printed lately concerning evolution with an equivalent number of suggested reading materials to assist parents in rearing their offspring. Each time creation draws the short straw. Evolutionists prefr their creed by far. Their belief forms, for me, an image of this mass wandering aimlessly around in space and over many eons evolving into a blob

Later this blob collides with a huge, spinning, solid object - and it continues evolving, but in joint-venture. Then in time, supposedly, though some cosmic accident, the solid object evolves into a sphere, and through metamorphosis the blob evolves through various shapes and sizes, one of them evolving into the monkey which, eventually, evolves into Homo erectus, then Homo Sapiens.

This may make sense to some, but not to me. I, for one, prefer the biblical account of man's appearance on this planet. It is simple. It is concise.

"God said: Let us make Man in our image." (Genesis 1:26,27) I cannot sit back and let anyone make a monkey out of my God!

While the evolutionists are at it, let them put their theories in a test tube, then add some hydrochloric acid. Ask them: Will the result evolve into everlasting happiness or an eternal, infernal, sizzling burn?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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