Mack Major #fundie

Remember: when you hear about tragedies like the Las Vegas shooting, these things are to be expected. America is in a spiritual civil war right now, where the spiritual forces of Jesus Christ are battling with the forces of darkness over the spiritual direction America will take for the next generation.

Things like what just happened in Vegas are a direct result of this spiritual civil war. Ever since it was announced that Trump would be running against Hillary, we've had thousands of witches and devil-worshipers joining together every month to invoke witchcraft against Christians on behalf of the Democrat Party.

(To the average witch: if you're a Christian it's automatically assumed that you voted for Trump, whether you did or not. So those witchy rituals are right now being directed at you too.)

We've had a demon-possessed gunman shoot a bunch of Republican congressmen during a practice baseball game. We've had riots on liberal college campuses over conservative speakers; riots all across America period. Threats of war against a nuclear-armed North Korea. And now this.

When America fought the first civil war, it was over the issue of slavery. Since black families were torn apart, God allowed some white ones to get torn apart too - remember, do unto others as you would have them do unto you is a spiritual principle. Brother fought against brother as northern and southern states went to war over the enslavement of black people.

BUT THE WAR WAS NEVER FINISHED. Though the North won the war for the land, the South won the war for the minds of a sizeable portion of the country. The next phase of the Civil War was fought due to this under the banner of civil rights in the 1950's and 60's. Though that too ended, it was also never finished.

The next phase of this Civil War - the one we are in right now - will be fought in the spiritual realm. This is the reason for the craziness that has shaken America since the 2016 elections. This last and final phase of America's civil war won't be fought with guns and bullets. It won't be fought at the picket line or at lunch counters.

This war can only be fought and won at our knees. And no, I'm not talking about taking a knee to protest the flag. I'm talking about the place of prayer, intercession and total submission to the will of God where true spiritual power can be obtained. Then once we've hit our knees we need to get up on our feet and work!

Even the witches and warlocks understand this; hence why they're getting on their knees in submission to the power of witchcraft, in total unity every month during a certain moon phase. They're invoking demonic powers to overthrow Christians. Then they use that power to pursue legislation against Christian principles. It's time that Christians get unified to take our knees too, to do some spiritual rumbling!

If Christians renege or fail to fight, this generation will be lost. Possibly the next three generations. The witches will simply take over, and Christians for the first time in history will be on the receiving end on one of the biggest push for vengeance in human history. America's witches still haven't forgotten those Salem witch trials.

And don't think that Jesus will come back in time to save you from the retched misery that awaits us should the witches win. He won't: at least not yet. There are certain things that Christ expects for the church to do first, before His return.

So stop being lazy and date-setting, and let's be about our Lord's business! There remains much work to be done:

1.Support your local pastor.
2. Support Christian owned and operated businesses.
3. Support your local politicians who run on a pro-Christian platform. No political party is perfect or filled with holiness. But neither is any job! Yet I don't see Christians quitting their places of employment and opting out of the imperfect job market or economy. So let's not get all weird and self-righteous over politics, and instead start using the power of the dollar and the vote to bring in the right legislation, that will promote Christ's kingdom agenda.

These are very practical things as Christians we ca start doing today. Most of all: take 30 minutes to an hour each night before going to bed to pray. Prayer is the power to invoke God's hand in changing things on the Earth. When Christians pray God gets very active! So pray pray PRAY! God bless.

**Learn more about the spiritual forces that are at war in America right now, download your copy of DIVA GODDESS QUEEN 2: Casting Down Demonic Powers that War Against Your Soul. This ebook goes more in depth by listing and naming these powers, showing how they operate. Be informed in your prayer life and get knowledgeable about what we as believers are up against. Get your copy right now!



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