@indicible : excellent, I love it.
@Doubting Thomas, no, we have probably more muslims than black, probably between 6% & 10% of the population. It's impossible to know because this kind of statistics has been forbidden after WWII(which was a trauma here), but 1% muslims in France is just a joke.
Some parts of the countries(rural ones, the North-East) have far less immigrants in general, but very populated areas as Paris or the South-East where I live now have plenty of them, not just trinkets. One quarter of the children of my daughter's class are of North-African ascent, and that's not, by far, the biggest proportion in town. And the correlation between "north-african" and "muslim" is very strong, especially if you take off the few jews(who live in other areas anyways).
The problem we have with muslims has some common points to the one you have with supra-christian : the huge majority is made of cool people, but they do not dare to say bad things about the crazies. The main difference is that they are newcomers, and always have been in minority(and that's not a small difference).
The worsening point is that racists who think like Nadine Morano push the decent ones to erect walls around their community, instead of opening to the west and integrating our culture. That kind of BS is honey for their worse predicators, who will ask for Hallal meals for everyone at school, or for separate schedules at the swimming pool between men & women(both already happened in isolated cases).
I don't want your extreme christians. If ours were more numerous, they'd be bolder.