Dear Swede,
Your argument is so reasonable. Only we are not dealing with reasonable people here.
I am no supporter of the Nazis. Btw, not only Jews suffered! So the Rabbi can come down from his particular cross and make room for the Roma, Homosexuals, The Mentally Challenged etc, etc. Jews do not have sole Holocaust rights.
It was a terrible sacrifice but it made the newly constituted United Nations capable of voting for a Jewish homeland.
yet there are some Jews (far from all!!!) who have imbibed the same Nazi hatreds and scumbag mentality. Just as Christian fundamentalists, they will cherry pick their Unholy book to find chapters and verses they to justify anything from - Crusades, Inquisition, suicide bombings, genocide, racial cleansing and so forth.
There is a point that ought not to be overlooked. Multiculturalism hasn't worked well in the UK. The French don't allow politics and religion to mix. You may do as you wish so long as it does not impinge on the priciples of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. More recently a French person was described (by Jacques Chirac, I believe) as someone who speaks, thinks and acts as a French person and who subscribes to the ethos of 'Frenchness' over and above any other ism. In other words, the French state doesn't give a toss about external cultures. If you come to live in France, it doesn't matter what your roots, you integrate into being French. This is something that I am happily doing.
Let me give one practical example of this: I sing in a choir. At Christmas a Muslim sang the solo in the Cantique de Noel/O Holy Night. Not one person in the very large audience lifted an eyebrow. The concert, btw, was in a church. This individual is welcome to his private beliefs. In the public arena he is French.
I wonder would our beloved Rabbi do as much?