Well, folks, you will notice that KeepingTheFaith is now in the member group 'TROLL'.
Like all trolls, he has come here to look for things to mock us about. By the very act of looking, he has accomplished one of our goals: he has read the plan of salvation. When he stands in Judgement, if he continues to reject Christ, he will be accountable for the Scripture he has read here.
By the very act of looking, he has accomplished one of our goals: he has read the plan of salvation. When he stands in Judgement, if he continues to reject Christ, he will be accountable for the Scripture he has read here.
Last time I checked, standard Christian dogma was that you burn for not accepting Jesus even if you never heard about him.
So God considers reading T4C as putting us "on notice", as the lawyers say, of God's rules. Keeping with the courtroom theme, if we get to heaven and God says the Bro was full of shit, do we get to send the Bro to hell, claiming "inducement" and "detrimental reliance"?
Gee, that looked random! What did he do to lick the red off Randy's candy? Probably tried to talk to another member without Randy's permission or questioned some of Randy's rather dubious, out of context Biblical quotes! Some people might consider trolling Randy's website and being caught a badge of honor, but I couldn't see being that desperate for amusement.
It's been a while since I've read some of Randy's stuff from T4C. As a christian I was always taught we were supposed to show the bible to others so they will actually read it, not to damn them to hell!!!
@Onyx lol that would be hilarious, I can imagine god giving him a grand tour after that :)
Here's a karmic thought, if you please:
Every time a fundie, even in his thoughts, consigns someone to hell, he automatically accrues hell points for himself.
My family had discussed this recently: How can someone, who's not even dead yet, presume to be a divine judge of transcendent souls?
We can invite little Bruvver Randypanty to martyr himself, and promise to believe everything he says immediately upon his resurrection....
Asking a question is mocking you? Asking a question is a bannable offense? Is there actually anybody BUT Randy on that site, or does he just sit and talk to his alter egos all day long?
Also, as a Christian, shouldnt' you be upset over lost souls? I don't recall Jesus ever gloating over the fact that someone was damned. You'd better watch your ass, Randy, or you'll be down in that imaginary pit with the rest of us.
"When he stands in Judgement, if he continues to reject Christ, he will be accountable for the Scripture he has read here."
Yeah, BR, all of us atheists are just quaking in our boots worrying about your imaginary friends. You sound like a little kid screaming at the other kids that his big brother is going to come back and beat them up. Yeah, when your pal, Jesus, shows up, you drop me a line.
What is he on about now? Anyone wants to read scripture, they don't need to go to Randy's teenwashing site. Hell, all they have to do is open a drawer in a hotel room.
I open the drawer all the time..righter after I shoot the hooker, I leave the evidence fo the condom in the bible so as to wash away my sins
I open
So how is this any different then the witch hunts?
Randy takes a question to be offensive, somehow, and then the poster is labeled with the Scarlet T.
Has KeepingTheFaith received the equivalent of an e-stoning?
<< You'd better watch your ass, Randy, or you'll be down in that imaginary pit with the rest of us. >>
Morgan: Well, there goes THAT neighborhood.
~David D.G.
KeepingTheFaith dies and stands before the pearly gates.
Jesus: Did you read my plan of salvation before you died?
KTF: Yeah, I read it on Bro Randys web site.
Jesus: That was one fucked up web site. No wonder you thought christians were perverts. I guess you can come in.
KTF: Is Bro Randy up here?
Jesus: No, he's in a cage in hell, surrounded by cupcakes just out of his reach.
KTF: I'd prefer to be down there, pointing and laughing at him for eternity.
Jesus: Whatever floats your boat.
I just read all of KeepingTheFaiths posts on the T4C board, and while it is certainly possible he was trolling, (He started topics on Heavy Metal music and If Dungeons and Dragons was satanic) I see no way Bro. Randy could be sure.
Search the site by user name if you want to read them yourself. All the questions were respectful, and could have been serious non-trolls.
Hopefully, Bro. Randy's paranoia just saved one kid from becoming a fundie.
He probably didn't even do anything aside from ask questions. I tried signing up twice because there were a few questions that I wanted to ask, but I got put into the Troll group both times without even getting the chance to post.
I only hope that teens that were going to post there for real get labeled as a troll and decide to go somewhere else.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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