MrDavid #fundie
These are some of the things that sum up the contributing factors that I believe are the main reasons children are murdering others:
1. Our national preoccupation with violence that has saturated all forms of the media which desensitizes human emotions by exposure to so much murder and preoccupation with death.
2. The absence of strong parenting due to the increase of both parents working. Also, the lack of a strong father figure in homes due to divorce rising.
3. Ignorance of Biblical truths that show parents how to deal with problem children. Parents don't recognize that their children need deliverance from demonic influences. This is a spiritual problem and cannot be solved by just therapy or medication alone.
4. Lack of prayer for our youth in our homes and our schools. (Since prayer was removed from our schools in 1962 the rate of crime among our youth has escalated).
5. The influence of cultic and witchcraft practices in our society.
6. The failure of Christians to reach out to the misfits in our society with the gospel.
7. Lack of discipline with a permissive humanistic influence toward children.
8.)Lack of teaching our children standards and absolutes as outlined in the Bible.
9. Lack of regard for human life as demonstrated through abortion, euthanasia and evolutionary teachings of the survival of the fittest.
10. The lack of teaching our children Biblical truths that promote character and teach them how to deal with the emotions of anger, hatred and revenge that lead to murder.
Bottom line... our problem has been one of sin and selfishness in this nation and now we are reaping the fruit of that sin. Unless we all take responsibility for repenting and doing our part to change this world for the better, tragedies will continue to increase and get worse. Many have thought the gun and violence issue was the result of poverty in the inner cities or a lack of education, so more money was poured into our education system. It is not a lack of money but a lack of God and character in our society that has produced this violence and until we come back to Christian principles in our world evil will continue to abound.
Your mature thoughts on this?