King Juan Carlos. King of Spain. King of Jerusalem.
Born a Prince of Rome. Parents gave him away at birth to be groomed by Opus Dei, the controversial cult portrayed in Da Vinci Code. Opus Dei is the ancient order of OPVS DAI written about by Julius Caesar. Archdruids. Satanic. Carlos a member of Club of Rome. Circle of 10. A Catholic Mason. EU calls him, "The Saviour of Democracy." He abandoned his castle to go reside in the Fid Nemed, the Holy Oak Groves of OPVS DAI. He is Commander-in-Chief of Spain. Graduated from all three military academies. Flies an F-14 Fighter Jet.
Here is the man who will sit on the Throne of God in the new Temple.
[Just a note that Julius Caeser was around 80 years BC, so Opus Dei is really on the ball about the whole Catholic Church thing]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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