GreggKB #fundie

Society has gone completely insane.

One of the hallmarks of mental health is to accept the circumstances in life that cannot change, which is why a man who claims to be Napoleon is deemed mentally unstable. One of the goals of any psychiatrist would be to guide that would-be Napoleon to accept the fact that he is not Napoleon. Sexual identity is fixed at conception: a person who is born biologically as a male or female -- with the rare exception of those born with sex chromosome disorders -- is male or female, and always will be, regardless of his or her so-called "gender identity". So, any "sex change" operation, no matter how skillful or elaborate, does not change that fact, a fact that is evident in every one of the trillions of cells in the transsexual's body, which will still show as being XX (female) or XY (male) under a microscope.

A "transsexual" can never become what he or she wants to be, and any "doctor" who would maim people who want to "transition" to the opposite sex is no health care provider and should be stripped of his medical license and be put in prison for a long, long time. How is this different from apotemnophilia?

That more and more segments of society refer to transsexuals (those who have had "sex-change" operations, which are nothing more than expensive, elaborate, and permanent Halloween costumes) and transgenders (wannabes of the opposite sex who have a warped sense of their "gender identity") as actually having become the opposite sex makes me feel like the little boy in the story "The Emperor’s New Clothes" and blows my mind! You can make a sign that says "Cow" and put it on a horse but, no matter what happens and no matter how many people believe the animal with the sign on it is a cow, it is still a horse. Society has gone completely mad! And wow, how fast it has! What an Alice in Wonderland world we now live in!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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