Christopher Haynes #fundie
Creationists, our point is this:
By the standards of science, the "Law of Supernatural Abiogenisis" is the "established" science:
here is the law:
"In the absence of devince intervention, life cannot exist in a bounded and initally lifeless system."
We dont say this law has been proved.
Indeed, Scientific Laws cant be proved.
The Conservation of Energy. That cant be proved.
We only say this:
A law like the Conservation of Energy becomes established science, when all efforts to falsify it have failed.
Since Proof is imposible in Science, Failure to Disprove (Failure to falsify) is the standard used throughout science.
Its the standard that makes the Law of Conservation of Energy, which cant be proved, the established science.
Thus the Law of Supernatural Abiogenis is established science, by the standards of science.
It is in principle falsifiable.
To falsiy it, do this: Demonstrate Naturalisitic Abiogenisis.
Just what our Atheist friends assure us is possible.
They need to. For them its a mortal issue. If the Law of Naturalistic Abiogeneis is correct, Atheism itself must be false.
But too bad. All efforts to falsify it have failed.
An international effort, of 100 years, involving the worlds top gurus, including several Nobel Prize winners.
The Law of Conservation of Energy
Never falsified = Established Science
Law of Supernatural Abiogenisis
Never falsified = Established Science
Why not?