How I would like to just ignore this argument and say, "Who cares"!! But, I came across this discussion and I've felt compelled to have a say....I have to respond as a Christian, born again at that....that I believe in the Creator that made you and I, I believe with all my heart that HE inspired every word written in the Bible, AKA ,Gods Word....and in it, I have read that God is not wanting HIS creations, made in HIS likeness to make love with the same sex ...And seeing as HE knows how we are made and HE knows whats best for HIS creation, He has said, a MAN is not to lie with anothr Man. I believe that means NOT to have SEX with the same gender. ( Last time I looked, shall not is in the negative...) NOW...He did not say you cannot LOVE one another...THAT HE wants for all of us to be part of...however I think HE means to cherish, care for, be tender towards one another not to literally have sex with...I also believe that HE means women are to NOT have sex with another woeman as well...( there's equality in that statement)...He's also stated that He finds homosexuality an ABOMINATION...
SO....since I believe in Jehova, the CREATOR, the ONE who loves each of us and sets rules and commandments up for us to have a MUCH better life and world to live by AND IN...i have TO SAY, i DO NOT AGREE THAT having sex with the same gender, man with man, woman with woman, is the right thing to do....IF you love each other, live together....just don't have sex....I know...I silly is that?...But, its not anymore silly that for people to read Gods words and then say..." H, He didn't mean that"...OR, Well , thats from the OLD testament, that doesn't apply...well...I guess " thou shalt not kill doesn't then, or thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife, or ...thou shalt not steal, ect....Anyway...Disagreeing with you doesn't make me a haterof people that I don't agree with. THAT would break Gods GREATEST command and that is....Thou Shalt LOVE one another... So, I wish you well....LOVE and peace... have a reat life together.....just don't have sex together...It isn't MY rule...or idea. God thought of it first!! *S*
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