Someone says to Ralph: You can look in the fossil record and see a dog like mammal slowly develop into a dolphin like mammal, is this not proof of evolution?
Ralph's response: There are no fossil records of intermediate stages of any animal. You may have a fossil of a dog like creature and then a fossil of a dolphin, but that proves nothing other than there was a dog like creature and there was a dolphin.
"There are no fossil records of intermediate stages of any animal."
Every fossil organism that has ever lived is an intermediate stage between its ancestors and its offspring.
"...there was a dog like creature and there was a dolphin."
Did you miss the part about the fossil record showing the intermediate forms?
Ralph, you have two choices. The Education booth and the Agony Booth.
Why did you choose the agony booth?
We have plenty of transitional fossils Ralphie boy, idiots like you just ignore them.
The denial in fundies is so strong they'd demand to see the transitional fossil between myself and my parents.
There are living mammals today which live on both the land and in the ocean. Manatees, seals, cetaceans, etc.
When I was in Sunday School, the theory of evolution was debunked by showing us what a transitional form between a land mammal and a whale should look like, according to whatever creationist wrote the lesson up. It was a chimera. Essentially what I now know of as the crocoduck argument. How I thought that was clever, I'll never know.
I refuse to refute this bullshit for the 1,001st time, so I'll let the other posters do it.
Step away from the 90's-era Kent Hovind pamphlets and get a motherfucking education, you moronic waste of perfectly good stem cells!
You can show a chap like Ralph how hybridization can turn a grass-like plant into an ear of corn, but no amount of demonstration will make him understand how the same process could work naturally over long periods of time and with large populations. Ralph has no ability to grasp big numbers or small changes.
Ralph would rather believe it's all magic, because to his uncomprehending brain, it is. It's just two competing magical arguments and the bullshit salesman's story sounds better.
"Chris, how did you find this particular BS? I haven't seen whining about intermediate stages in a few years!"
Sangfroid, there are Christian apologist websites & creationists that deny the existence of fossil records of intermediate stages of animals. For example: What Christians Want To Know & Kirk Cameron
Oh sure, and we all get a good laugh at some of the odder ones (I love Thinking Christian and, of course, Answers in Genisis), but this happy chappy seems to think he has "found" the final evolution killer! Dogs and dolphins indeed!
There are no fossil records of intermediate stages of any animal.
Sure there are. In the case of dolphins, we have land animals with legs and claws, then as we go through the fossil record we find animals where the face is gradually longer and more streamlined as the legs get shorter until the hind legs disappear entirely (but are still there in the fetus). Can we do a family tree? Of course not - by that standard, you can't prove you were descended from a human for more than a few generations yourself.
Must be cold in that river in Egypt, Ralph.
Wet, too. If this soggy excuse for a 'response' that's a worse -than meme used by fundies is anything to go by.
...and stop drooling like a dog, Ralph. It's most unbecoming of one who dares to consider themselves human. Wolves behave more intelligently than you, and they're the genetic basis of all canids that exist; and considering how the 'Standard' breeds of domestic dog that exist are as a result of human intervention - I bring to your attention the huge physiological disparities with the Irish Wolfhound & Chihuahua - then Evolution has already been proved .
The Labradoodle, for example. A breed of dog which didn't exist until 1988 AD , so that (which originated in Australia) alone destroys Cre(a)ti(o)nism.
Speaking of wet, the Seal is an air-breathing mammal, but is aquatic. So why does it's flipper appendages have separate 'finger' bones then, and not a single bony plate...?!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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