We are now feverishly trying to simply plan for the burst of activity that is coming our way over the next couple of months. We are there! As it was mentioned in this past Sabbath’s sermon, the final countdown has begun, as the 1335 days before the actual day Jesus Christ returns began on February 2, 2008.
All that we are experiencing right now is a very small taste, just an ice cube on the tip of an iceberg of what is coming, as God begins to call thousands upon tens of thousands of people over the next year. From there it goes into the millions—all in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of God’s Government over all the earth in the fall of 2011.
Aren't you one of the people I sent a Time Delivery letter to, on Jan 2, 2000, and Jan 2 2001, because you were also claiming the turn of the millenia to be the END OF THE WORLD?
You were still here then, and will be in 2012. I'm just not going to waste money rubbing your nose into it again.
That long? Your god is not much in the almighty department. What happened to creating the universe in 6 days? Or flooding the whole Earth (creating fossils, the Grand Canyon, etc.) for 40 days and 40 nights?
The Bible says that no-one knows the timing of the Second Coming (although it does put it in the first century AD).
You know what it says about false prophets, right?
Ok, and if you fail, and you probably will, regarding the fact that January 2nd has passed, how are you going to rearrange the schedule?, for 2030?.
Oh I see now. When Jesus talked about nobody "knowing the hour" of his return, he meant it literally. We've got the year, month and day, but god's keeping that hour from us! He wants us glancing at the sky and wondering if we've got time for one final beer/shag/joint/baked potato, before he come blazing out of the sky. Some gods just have to make a dramatic entrance, don't they? *eyeroll*
I would like to hear an explanation on exactly why they chose that date, or if it was just arbitrary. Maybe they 'felt it in their heart'. If I felt something like that in my heart, I would get myself rushed to the hospital immediately.
And on february 3rd 2008 there was still no returning christ, But by january 2012 we can expect a few dissapointed christian fundamentalists to have some questions about where Ronnie put their money.
And of course the ones with no questions, will be lining up to be suicide bombers for Jesus
Yeah, yeah heard it all before, still waiting. A couple who were friends of my parents were convinced they'd had a personal message from Jesus saying he would return before Peter(the fella of the couple) died. Peter died about five years ago and guess what? No Jesus. Then there's my sister who was absolutely convinced that Jesus told her he would return before her daughter started school. My niece is almost 21 and guess what? No Jesus! Anyone else seeing a pattern here?
Wow. Now this will be entertaining. First of all, if the rapture doesn't exist, we get to laugh at all these idiots preparing for something for months for no reason. Second of all, if the rapture does exist, all the fundies will leave the planet! We win either way!
Yes, I suppose that's why Atheism, especially in younger age groups, is on the rise and religion is on a decline .
Your End-times prophecy has a few factual holes in it, Mr. Weinland.
Wow, and here I thought all the fundies would jump on the 12-21-2012 bandwagon. Now it's supposed to be sometime in late 2011?
... excuse me while I rearrange my calendar...NOT!
All that we are experiencing right now is a very small taste, just an ice cube on the tip of an iceberg of what is coming, as God begins to call thousands upon tens of thousands of people over the next year.
Since about 50-60 million people die each year, how would we notice a few tens of thousands?
Ken1971 wrote:
"Wow, and here I thought all the fundies would jump on the 12-21-2012 bandwagon. Now it's supposed to be sometime in late 2011?"
You forget, 21-Dec-2012 is based on the Mayan calendar, and is believed in by a lot of New Age folks.
Both of whom are actually Satan worshippers because they're not Southern Baptists, you see.
"From there it goes into the millions - "
Millions? I thought there was a cap at 144,000
Maybe this is just the casting call to weed out all the blemished, broken stoners and left handers; "Many are called, but few are chosen"
(or did I get that from a USMC recruitment poster?)
I just did the math for shits and kicks. Ron's date with Doomsday is September 29, 2011. This is yet another one like that "Simpsons" episode when Homer doesn't want to be "Left Below" and calculates a time for the Ratpure which, of course, fails to happen as they always do. Ron, it looks like you wasted your money on the Left Below , er, Left Behind books, er, you know what you wasted your money on.
Why does God need people to rule over earth when he is,in fact, God?
I find it hard to believe the creator of every atom in this known universe must surrender rule of a cosmic speck of dust to a carbon-based life form known for its penchant for self-destruction
What is the harm???
Mr. Weinland asks for nothing in return, he gives his books away for free, doesn't ask for money , doesn't live in a religious compound. He only preaches from the Bible in the most truthful and comprehensive manner I have ever heard. If he's wrong, he not hurting anyone but his own reputation. But if he's right, then I would want to do all that I can to save myself, my family and friends. God has always given us free will and we all have a choice to make. I hope you all make the right choice. It might be wise to educate yourself, it is rather facinating. Try www.donimon.org (YOU59HOMEPAGE) Very informative!! Also, get up to spead, hear sermons and interviews by and with Ronald Weinland at www.cog-pkg.org
In your heart you will know it is the truth.
God Bless...
It seems that Trish is promoting the Pelegian heresy in her comment, & as a result, will be cast down to the nethermost pit of hell to suffer infinite torment along with Mr Weinland, according to Saint Augustine's reply to the heretic Morgan...
(Basically acccording to St.Augustine, Man doesn't have free will...)
G. Fieendish clearly has not read the bible or he/she would know that God has always given us the free will to choose between good and evil. Case and point, Adam and Eve. For the record I do not promote any such thing as is suggested by G. Fieendish (how approriate is the name) he/she has grossly misinterpreted my comments. I encourage all, including myself to continue your individual searches for the truth, that is all. I am not condeming anyone as G. Fieendish has me. I have since found that Mr. Weinland is not someone I trust and I will continue my research of the bible as this is the only reliable source of God's word for me. I do not endorse the teachings of St. Augustine only Our Lord Jesus Christ. And I pray that he allows me and others to see his truth, and pray that G. Fieendish does not recieve the harsh judgement from God that he/she has so self righteously placed upon me.
Well, here it is October of 2011. Haven't seen this Jesus guy yet.
Anyone else see him? Skipping across Lake Superior maybe? Hangin' out in Jerusalem, feeding the poor with a couple fish and some bread?
No? Didn't really think so.
@ Trish
"What is the harm???"
When the fall of 2011 passes with no Rapture, tribulation or anything else that could unequivocally be considered divine, what do you suppose will happen? Considering the fact that this kind of nonsense has gone on for centuries, there is ample historical precedent to suggest what will happen. As far as religion goes, it will hurt tremendously.
A few people will invent an answer ("God heard our prayers and spared the world, hallelujah!"). Some will form a heretical offshoot, like the 7th Day Adventists and the Jehovah's Witnesses sprang from the Millerite movement. Most of them will realize that they were taken for the fools that the scoffers said they were. They will be plunged into despair, and at least some of them will bitterly abandon religion altogether. Meanwhile the scoffers will have additional evidence for portraying religion as hokum and its followers as gullible rubes.
There's the harm Trish
Hi, Trish. It's February 12, 2012.
Ronald Weinland is yet another Harold Camping.
The year 2008 marked the last of God’s warnings to mankind and the beginning in a countdown of the final three and one-half years of man’s self-rule that will end by May 27, 2012.
On December 14, 2008, the First Trumpet of the Seventh Seal of the Book of Revelation sounded, which announced the beginning collapse of the economy of the United States and great destruction that will follow. The next three trumpets will result in the total collapse of the United States, and once the Fifth Trumpet sounds the world will be thrust into WW III.
The Seven Trumpets of the Seventh Seal, as well as the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation (which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording) are revealed in this book.
Many of the prophecies of the Seven Thunders are being fulfilled and will continue to increase in strength and frequency throughout this final three and one-half years of man’s self-rule on earth.
As these events unfold, the world will increasingly become aware of the authenticity of the words in this book and realize that Ronald Weinland has been sent by God as His end-time prophet.
This book is primarily directed to the people of the three major religions of the world (Islam, Judaism and Christianity), whose roots are in the God of Abraham. Ronald Weinland has been sent to all three.
"We are there! As it was mentioned in this past Sabbath’s sermon, the final countdown has begun, as the 1335 days before the actual day Jesus Christ returns began on February 2, 2008."
"all in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of God’s Government over all the earth in the fall of 2011."
1335 days = 3.65510887 years.
It's now 2014 . Way past three and two-third years.
PROTIP: Better have a talk with Harold Camping, if I were you. Oh yes, that's right: he's dead .
And as per his 'predictions' (and him), so are yours . Your J-boy said he'd return in the generation of his followers. So either his disciples were actually Shadows (the insectoid 'First Ones' aliens from "Babylon 5") who are billions of years old, or you've been lied to.
But then, Ronald McWiener, you cannot spell 'Belie f' without the word LIE.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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