funmudder #fundie

(Response to a Rapture Ready mom who is upset her son is learning evolution)

Creationism is touted as a part of Christian religion so is mostly banned. Some Christian teachers are more sympathetic, but over all, evolution is forced down throats as absolute fact-despite the lack of any evidence at all.
This is true even in the Bible Belt of the south.

I suggest you start giving a balanced education on this because the push is on to: enlighten kids out of their parents dark age understandings [/sarcasm]

Go to Answers in Genesis. Piles and piles of information from scientists that support creation. If you can, try to find Ben Steins movie "Expelled" It is a real eye opener to what your child will be force fed as 'truth'.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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