aceofwands #fundie

A few months ago while attending a social function, two liberals were discussing how well socialism was going and would be fully in place within the next ten years. Standing in ear shot was a grizzled old Vietnam Vet who chuckled and asked if the two had ever heard of "The 530 Plan". The two responded they had not. The vet looked at the two of them and proceeded to educate them about the futility of their socialistic dream. He explained the Bill Ayers genocide plan to reduce resistance for the take over of America. To counter this he explained, "The 530 Plan" had been developed, it is the Bill Ayers approach on steroids, all taking place in a single day. He asked them to picture five million patriots, each identifying thirty liberals, picking a day they want to live in infamy and having at it. By using the plans of the
Left against them he explained, was all that will save the country and render liberals extinct.

Needless to say, the expression on their faces was one for the record books. One could see their brains running in overdrive as the mathematics of this man's scenario sunk in. The two also had this foreboding look about them that they may have just made someones top thirty list.

Their violence could become an extinction event for them.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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