Personally, I think that there are no 'aliens', only demonic deception.
Picture this...
A Massive war begins in the Middle east. Nuclear armed nations square off in a fight to the death in an attempt to destroy Israel. God intervenes and destroys the invaders (Gog and Magog).
God raptures his church.
Satan, thwarted in this attempt to destroy Israel, counters with "aliens". They send out a message to all people...
"We have returned in this time of your greatest need. 3 million years ago we planted your predecessors here on Earth. We have watched as you have evolved to the point where you are ready to assume your place in the universe. Those who were among you whom were instigating wars and repressing you with religious shackles are now gone--removed--to allow you to realize your full potential of peace without the impediments of hatred and bigotry. They who would attribute your powers to mythological 'gods' are gone, and you will now be able to see that the only true gods are those that YOU are. you were born for this moment. you were born to be Gods...."
and the deception begins...
"Picture this... A Massive war begins in the Middle east."
Wow! I must have a really good imagination, it looks to me like it's really happening!
While I was reading this I thought he was describing events that had already happened, and I thought, "Hah! So the rapture's already happened, and you were left behind!"
What I want to know is why Satan is genre unsavvy. I mean, he KNOWS about the bible, he should know that his future is foretold in revelations and simply do something else out of spite. Does he really have any excuse?
Personally, I think that there are no 'aliens', only demonic deception.
The worst part is when they move this view over to illegal aliens.
Just throwing this out there:
So, say this idiot is correct. Aliens show up and say, "ROFL, come with us!".
I would assume that satan's aliens have bad as all hell technology.
So, the aliens make us all immortal, thus undoing god's little pyramid scheme.
I think this would be a great and prosperous time for all.
Really close to Scientology here. Zenu the Alien and his thetans, plus bat-shit insane dianetics.
About the only way Christian fundies could become anymore deluded is by converting to Scientology.
Good job Rondaben, keep using that imagination.
Picture this:
A fundie, his brain scrambled by his delusions, mixes up many random ideas and posts them on the internet, thinking it is a coherent narrative.
A. It's unlikely to happen outside of a really bad Left Behind Ripoff.
B. Satan's world sounds quite promising, when you put it like that.
"and the deception begins..."
No, I think you've been deceiving yourself for quite a long time now...
This whole "alien" line of "thinking" comes about because of the question, "If Christians are suddenly raptured to heaven, why would anyone left behind NOT believe?"
Because in the fundie-tard theology, there must still be a large majority of humans that still refuse to believe even after the ratpure. So the answer is "aliens come and pretend to have performed the rapture."
"We have returned in this time of your greatest need. 3 million years ago we planted your predecessors here on Earth. We have watched as you have evolved to the point where you are ready to assume your place in the universe. Those who were among you whom were instigating wars and repressing you with religious shackles are now gone--removed--to allow you to realize your full potential of peace without the impediments of hatred and bigotry. They who would attribute your powers to mythological 'gods' are gone, and you will now be able to see that the only true gods are those that YOU are. you were born for this moment. you were born to be Gods...."
He tapped into the truth for such a brief and profound's too bad that he actually thinks that it is false....
If they tried to tell me that they planted the first single celled life only three million years ago, I probably wouldn't believe them either -- we already know that life began over three billion years ago, silly.
I think it's more a question of which drugs they should be on...
"Those who were among you whom were instigating wars and repressing you with religious shackles are now gone"
But in order to do that, wouldn't they need to take away the other violent religions too? It wouldn't make any sense to take away Christians and leave us at the mercy of a potentially more violent religion.
"A Massive war begins in the Middle east. Nuclear armed nations square off in a fight to the death in an attempt to destroy Israel."
Why? Why the holy hell would anyone want that land that fucking badly as to go to war, and not just any war but nuclear war, to get it/destroy it?
You people are fucking insane and I hope none of you ever get to a position where it's your hand over the big red button.
"and the deception begins..."
It started 2000 years ago.
I love how he acts like he/she came up with this this all by him/herself, when he/she got it from other fundies. A lot of them believe this is going to happen. They think it's the whole reason for space exploration, to set up this big lie. It would make a cool story, though.
...That has got to be the worst counterargument I have seen in my entire life.
Wow, this guy just wins...
All right. Now picture this:
I grow to become three hundred meters tall and get the ability to exhale fire.
And laser beams shoot from my eyes.
Sure, because 'aliens' are so unbelievable, not having any need for any supernatural explanation.
Next thing you know, people will be claiming that trees move their branches due to 'wind', not dryads. And so the deception ... oh wait
"Personally, I think that there are no 'aliens', only demonic deception."
You are mentally ill.
Kill yourself.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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