"To end terrorism...”
end the factors that are causing the terrorists to feel they have no option other than to blow themselves up to make a point. Human beings are not by nature suicidal, they must be driven to it by circumstance or mental illness, and they can’t all be insane.
* Take the gloves off. We need to stop molly-coddling these people and their friends. Folks, for all practical purposes, we own Iraq. We need to act like it. Not only this, but we need to simply destroy the terrorists who stand against us. Recently, I saw a bumper sticker that said, "If a terrorist wants to die, it is my duty to help him accomplish his goal."
And yet Christ himself instructed us as follows: “Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:39) I guess what he really meant was “Kill the motherfuckers. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, kill him. And his mom.” I guess that’s one hell of a mistranslation, isn’t it?
And we don’t effectively “own” Iraq. Don’t you pay attention to any news at all? Even Fox News isn’t pretending that we own the place anymore. We don’t need to act like we own it, we need to start acting like the mature, peace-loving, democratic nation we keep claiming we are.
* Release Israel from the restrictions they are under. That's right, cut 'em loose and give them the key to the arms warehouse. I am absolutely sick of people saying we need to fight terrorism, and then telling Israel to calm down. I won't rant here.
So nuclear war in the Middle East is a preferable option over diplomacy and restraint? You do realize what will happen to the USA if the Middle East destabilizes to the point of a significant drop in oil production, don’t you? Even with the National Strategic Reserves, the USA has at best a 30 day supply of oil. That’s 30 days until the trucks stop running, the trains stop moving, and the planes stop flying. 30 days until no more food is shipped to the grocery store. 30 days until the police cars don’t run anymore, the firetrucks don’t run, and the ambulances shut down. 30 days, man. 30 days until it’s 1890 in the United States of America again.
You sure you want nukes flying around the Middle East?
(Now I realize that the 30 figure is reflective of a complete stoppage of oil imports to the USA, and we do get significant amounts from other nations like Mexico and Venezuela
but hell, we ain’t exactly number one on their buddy lists, either, are we?)
* Follow the Brit's example. Locate the terrorists in our country, round them up and ... "But what about their rights..." some may whine. Forget their tights. They are using their rights to destroy us!
Can I forget your rights, too? The exact same rights that allow you to post your insanity online without fear of reprisal or penalty are the ones that are “protecting” the terrorists. If we become the terrorist state in our quest to quash terrorism, have we really made things any better? Come on, we are supposed to be the good guys here! There’s enough moral ambiguity in the world without having to go all Punisher on their asses!
And I’m not whining about the terrorists rights
.I’m whining about mine. Because the moment we allow the government to deny basic civil rights to anyone, it is only a matter of time before they get around to me and mine. Christians have been through this before in the Roman era
we always forget about that, though, don’t we?
* Christians need to take a stand. The United States is a CHRISTIAN nation. We need to act like it.
And killing people is acting like a Christian? Exhorting wholesale violence against an ethnic people is acting like a Christian? Advocating the use of weapons of mass destruction is acting like a Christian? Preaching hatred and violence and vengeance is acting like a Christian?
What fucked up Bible are you reading?
* Close the UN. The United Nations is really a group of dictators, thugs and outright criminals whose goals consist of the exploitation and destruction of the United States of America.
OK, now you’re just kidding, right? Thanks to the Bush administration, the UN is a powerless, trembling, irrelevant whine fest without the power to successfully destroy a lit stick of dynamite.
You do realize that the USA was instrumental in creating the UN, right? And you do know that we structured it in such a way that it can never actually affect US interests, right? We have a permanent seat on the Security Council, and a permanent, un-over-turnable Veto power on that council. The UN can’t do shit if the USA says no. You really need to do some basic research here, man.
Last, and most importantly...
Oh, I can’t wait! I’m all aquiver!
* Evangelize, exhort and disciple the nation. That's right. We need to take our country back, and we need to actively defend our country, but the most important thing we need to do is evangelize and disciple the nations. If the United States chooses to use it, we have the military power to utterly destroy the terrorist nations, but God chan change their hearts."
You can’t “take something back” you never had; you need to study your history some.
And your last sentence confuses me. You spend all this time preaching that we need to kill them all
then come up with the “God can change their hearts” gem.
Which is it?
Do we kill them all or let God change their hearts? If God hasn’t changed their hearts, (and he obviously hasn’t) have you ever stopped to wonder why? Why would Jesus come to earth and preach love and acceptance and forgiveness
only to suddenly want his church to engage in wholesale slaughter? Why would he say to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44) if he wanted you to kill them? Why would he say “do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven” if he wanted you to charge right out there and start judging all over their asses?
I just can’t see Jesus going along with your rhetoric of hate and violence. And if the Man himself isn’t down with it, why the fuck are you?