"What is staggering about the secularists is their arrogance and the shortness of their memories. The materialist utopianism of the Communists and Nazis is to blame for all the worst atrocities of the past century."
What is staggering about the fundies is their ignorance and the absence of their memories:
Hitler was a Christian He was also a right-winger.
Stalin, Mao: Cult of Personality.
Cult of Personality = religion
We secularists by definition don't worship or even have deities to worship in the first place. And that's the difference.
"Nazis is to blame for all the worst atrocities of the past century"
Like I say, Hitler was a Christian:
'The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak ... homophobic, racist, ... capriciously malevolent bully.'
-Richard Dawkins
Thus a dictator. Ergo, God = Hitler. Q.E. and D., bitch.
"Dawkins may appear to make sense"
'Appear'? Apart from his mere existence proving he is superior to God, the mere fact he has done none of the petty, unjust, homophobic, racist & capriciously malevolent things as described in the Old Testament - as condoned, ordered, or committed personally by God - proves that he, and all we Atheists are more than infinitely superior to your so-called 'God'; and if anything he should be bowing down and worshipping us.