[Thread about if babies go to hell; if children killed by Herod went to hell, then they sacrificed more than Jesus did]
No, Jesus is eternal God who must receive glory. It's not that His needs needed to be met. It's that He is God and He is just in making sure that even the unrighteous deeds of the wicked will be used to bring Him glory.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. No one gets to heaven by default.
I'm not saying He's cruel. I'm saying He's just. Sin must be punished, and He punishes it. How is that cruel? God is no respecter of persons, remember? Doesn't matter who you are or how old you are, if you're guilty of sin, then you deserve to be punished.
So, you must be pro-abortion then, since all those "unborn babies" are "killed" with the foreknowledge of god, hence his approval, being some part of his "divine" plan.
By your logic, all those aborted foetuses are hell-bound, since they never had the chance to "accept" Jesus. Your logic is truly fucked.
A baby has no comprehension of itself, much less a concept like sin. It lacks the capacity to decide. It reacts. There's no way a baby could "sin". If people are born sinners, you have one evil deity.
"No, Jesus is eternal God who must receive glory."
Why? What did Jesus really sacrifice? As an omnipotent, divine being, he could have his human life back whenever he chose.
"It's not that His needs needed to be met. It's that He is God and He is just in making sure that even the unrighteous deeds of the wicked will be used to bring Him glory."
Exactly how do unrighteous deeds being glory to Jesus?
"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. No one gets to heaven by default."
Of course not. You can murder, raped and pillage, but you absolutely must believe that Jesus is your personal savior.
"I'm not saying He's cruel. I'm saying He's just."
And I'm saying he's just cruel.
"Sin must be punished, and He punishes it. How is that cruel?"
As God is imaginary, sin does not exist. However, according to the Bible, your God punishes innocent people for the "sins" of others and delivers an infinite punishment, hell, for finite transgressions. That is cruel and unjust.
"God is no respecter of persons, remember?"
Indeed, even to the point of not caring whether those persons are guilty or inncoent.
"Doesn't matter who you are or how old you are, if you're guilty of sin, then you deserve to be punished."
According to the Bible, all persons are guilty of "sin." And, Jesus said that the smallest sin is equal to the greatest sin. But the Bible also says that if you believe in Jesus, you don't get the punishment you deserve. Again, that is unjust... and stupid.
I think if you're going by a strict interpretation, then everybody who died prior to Jesus just kinda went to hang out in "Sheol", the darkness beneath the earth. Not quite heaven, not quite hell. Heaven was still waiting for somebody to open it.
And after Jesus died and got sent down there, he started passing out flyers for a rave at his dad's place. I imagine top of the list were a bunch of shorties who didn't even know right from wrong when they died.
Of course, that would require an interpretation of God that wasn't infinitely cruel, so you can imagine how many people subscribe to it.
This is pure paranoia and religious misinformation. To begin with, those kids NEVER sin, according to most theologians I know. Second, being a sinner itself, IS NOT ENOUGH REASON TO GO TO HELL. I mean, if according to Jesus, even fair people sin more than seven times seven, it means that Heaven would be totally empty.
Right. That makes perfect sense. Even babies who, for all we know, are hardly even self-aware, deserve to be punished and tortured for things they have never done.
Go die in a ditch, you heartless piece of shit.
If god is no respecter of persons, and if you're guilty of sin he'll punish you, then why are there case IN THE BIBLE of incest and rape being rewarded or at least accepted? You know, what with them being sins and all.
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