rothwellrogue #fundie

"Flaw" is probably not the right word. A flaw is a defect that mars the perfection of something. There is nothing approaching perfection in evolution. I think if anyone looked at it objectively i.e. not trying to prove there is or isn’t a God, as fills up most of these forums, then it would not stand up to scrutiny. Evolutionists HAVE to find a material answer to everything and will not allow anything that resembles supernatural intervention. Therefore they clutch at straws in trying to squeeze evidence into their already prepared framework. Evolution says everything started with a Big Bang but offers no evidence of where all the matter came from. They say that life started from nothing but offer no explanation of how. In order for evolution to work there has to be information added to DNA, this is a central key which cannot simply be avoided, and there is no evidence of this happening at all never mind the millions of times it is supposed to have happened to get we are today from nothing. The same applies to mutations which are usually harmful and damaging but we are supposed to believe that millions of beneficial mutations have taken place over millions of years to move microbe to man. Evolutionists will avoid answering these questions or point to some ridiculous idea that bacteria evolved immunity to insecticides and if left long enough would change into an elephant or bird. Evolution is not flawed it is blatantly ridiculous and if there was another way for people to live without admitting the existence of a superior being, and of course what that would mean in terms of answering to him, then it would be laughed at, as indeed it should be. Of course if people want to believe in evolution it is their choice. However there is a far more serious issue to consider. There is a God and there is an afterlife and evolution is stopping a lot of people from hearing the truth. Jesus once gave a blind man sight and the man was asked how it happened. He said “I do not know, all I know is that once I was blind and now I can see”. Until the blindness that believes the lie of evolution is removed then people, tragically, will fall for it.



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