Ivan #conspiracy ancient-code.com
Anyway, returning back to the Pyramid in Australia, Ray Johnson is convinced how the enigmatic set of hieroglyphs at Gosford undoubtedly point how Lord Nefer-ti-ru, a former member of the ancient Egyptian Royal Family is buried at the site.
Furthermore, Johnson is convinced how the Gosford Glyphs tell the story of how ancient Egyptian sailors built TWO Pyramids in Australia, one of which was said to be found at Gympie, in central Queensland.
It was eventually demolished leaving the whereabouts of the other Pyramid an enigma all until now.
Mr. Johnson believes that the second Pyramid is in fact located beneath thick layers of soil, hidden away from sight, remaining unperceived for thousands of years.
Despite the fact that the “hieroglyphs” point to the existence of a Pyramid located in the Area, the site in question—located at the Wooroonooran National Park—has never been researched.
This is mostly due to the fact that experts consider the location where Johnson believes the Pyramid is located a Natural granite peak. However, archaeologists are convinced that this pyramid could be similar to the one discovered buried beneath thick layers of soil and vegetation in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
However, mainstream scholars reject the notion there’s a Pyramid in Australia—let alone two—and that the mountain where said structure is supposedly located, only ‘appears to be the shape of a pyramidal structure’.