[This is from a comic that is geared towards teens. This is from the comic on Evolution]
Don't you know that evolution is basically a racist concept? Some evolutionists still teach that white people evolved from "negroes" who evolved from apes-- Meaning "white people are more evolved!"
Gianni: Why do these people insist on being morons?
Because they think it makes them better than the rest of us. We have "earthly knowledge," they have "Godly knowledge." They avoid being contaminated with actual information because it would interfere with their faith, and their faith is the most important thing in their lives. More important than the truth, even.
Actually, a human is no more evolved than an ape. The only difference between a white guy and a black guy ultimately comes down to the amount of sun exposure it takes to cause a sunburn, and that's because of melanin.
I've never heard any scientist claim that. If most scientists are wildfire liberals, as you all claim, then they would probably not be racist--racism seems to belong to the fundies and other such conservatives.
Yes, but if we place the "white person" back into Africa, he would be "inferior" to the "black people", coz the "black people" would be more suited to the climate than the "white person". Or we could just use the proper Evolutionary terms of "more suited".
Actually, chimpanzees are white. Their skin is light under their fur.
The earliest humans may well have been dark-skinned, and the pigmentation was lost as they migrated out into northern climates. Or maybe they started out white and their skin turned dark as they evolved less hair. Who knows?
In the past, some racists have tried to use evolution to rationalize white supremacy, but they didn't know any more about ToE than Truth for Youth does.
According to ToE, white people are no more "evolved" than ferns or jellyfish.
Wow! Heck of a strawman right there, huh?
And if it were true that white people evolved from black, it wouldn't become any LESS true just because it's uinpleasant.
It's also false that more time evolving = more advanced. We could have regressed, were this a not-insane statement.
Some evolutionists are bound to be racist, since all evolutionists are human and it's an unfortunately common trait. (Before you get on your high horse about that, remember how many Christians turn out to be racists.)
The concept of "more evolved" is nonsense. Because competing organisms are developing better and better means of neutralizing, overcoming or destroying each other, evolution cannot have a final destination. The refinements will continue forever.
I've looked through a couple of the comics, and I just can't go on. They are too vile, misguided, and sickening for me to handle.
Edit: Have you guys seen their 'Purpose' page? The whole thing is incredible, but there is a particular gem in there worth noting:
"Over one million students carry guns to school every day."
Mister Spak: "And some fundies still teach that only white people are decended from Adam and Eve, all other races are animals, decended from creatures god created during the animal creation day."
Regarding the comic: horrible evangelizing tool. Not even the gospel message was accurate. Two funny things: the black kid's mouth was gaping wide open ALL the time, and he didn't use the HOLY ONLY-TRUE GOD-DELIVERED KJV BIBLE... he actually used a Bible from the website... wonderful marketing ploy.
The homosexuality one had one line I find hilarious:
"And Born that way is a bunch of Hooey! When I was a homosexual..."
It makes me think of some old man reminiscing on his past filled with hyperboles-- "When I was your age/a homosexual..."
I understand some of the messages are good natured, like the one on drugs and drinking. I just don't like the way they go about presenting them.
Also on the homosexuality one, "When I was a homosexual, 30 years ago, nobody ever said that [homosexuality is an inborn trait]... they hadn't even thought of it yet."
Was the Victorian era theorising about 'the third sex' stuck into gay history retroactively, or something?
Absolute horseshit. When my ancestors acquired the ability to live in the cool temperate forests of Europe they relinquished the ability to live on the hot savannah of Africa. There is no 'progress' in evolution, at least not in the sense of any species or race being more advanced or superior. There is simply adaptation. Humans are no more or less evolved than an earthworm.
"The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" Darwin's original title sounds a little racist to me.
If you'd read the book, perhaps you'd understand the context. "Race" is, at least in the context, a synonym for "species".
"The truth hurts..."
Evidentally, so do stupid-ass lies.
"The truth about their moral issues."
"Some evolutionists still teach that white people evolved from 'negroes' who evolved from apes-- Meaning 'white people are more evolved!'"
My grandmother is racist and doesn't believe in evolution. Take THAT, Strawman From Hell!
White people aren't "more evolved" than black people, they're simply evolved differently at some more recent point (in terms of millions of years).
The fact that there are white people and black people is proof of evolution in itself...
I see it now - an awesome comic book version of the Bible, explaining away all its inconsistincies.
One paragraph:
'And yea, did God decend upon the Earth which he had made out of spare parts and a utility belt. And thus did he declare: "I'm Batman."
No, whites are the most recent to evolve, because when they moved out of Africa to Europe, paler skin was better for the metabolism because of less sunlight at higher altitudes. They are simply more adapted to different environments.
I think the few you will find who are evolutionists and do teach that are generally a) not qualified experts in the field, b) pushing a racist agenda, and/or c) ignoring data that disproves their assertions.
I mean, I'm sure William Shockley was down with evolution, but I'll bet you he was incredibly ignorant of most of it.
But, whites are "more evolved" than blacks, at least to live in cold areas. Where as blacks are adapted for hotter climates, it's all to do with where they lived
Technically the cockroach is the most evolved thing on the face of this earth. Can live fairly long without its head and can survive a nuclear explosion.
So if God made 'us' in his image. He would make perfection. And cockroaches are rather perfect in that they can out live us.
So, God is a cockroach.
So all this evolution stuff for people doesn't even matter.
Being more evolved doesn't mean superior. It just means white people inherited different genes than black people. Black people lived in areas with more sunlight, and thus didn't need lighter skin. It still doesn't mean that they haven't advanced just like white people, asians, and other races.
When my ancestors acquired the ability to survive in the temperate climes of more northern latitudes, and the lower sunlight strengths, they relinquished the ability to survive in the hot harsh sunlight of Africa. I am not 'more evolved', and never can be. Evolution is as much about trade-offs as anything else, when you get something you often give up something.
you moron.
white skin burns easily.
white skin is bad in africa.
ergo, white skin is worse than black skin
dude, evolution is the process that changes people to suit the environments they're in.
ammount of melanin in your skin does not matter in foggy old england, you hardly see the sun.
melanin does not help or hinder, so people without it do not die of skin cancer beforethey can reproduce.
this means people of white skin (albino black guys) can reproduce, and add their freak genes to the gene pool
I hate people who have no knowledge of evolution spewing crap like this. I took a course on evolution, NOTHING is 'more evolved' than something else. Evolution is constant. To say something is 'more evolved' is untrue. If anything, humans could be considered 'least evolved' for lack of a better term because with modern medicine and food production there are much fewer selective pressures on humans, and therefore natural selection is not acting as much. Of course there is more than just natural selection that the fundies often forget such as genetic drift and gene flow, etc. I write too much.
well, using your logic, actually the reverse is correct. Negroes were perfected first, and white people are a mutatation that arose from the blacks. of course, you dont seem to consider the asians, hispanics etc, becuase they are minoritys (who make up well over 25% of the world's population!)
blacks, whites, and people of all pigmentations and physiogomy and body shapes successfully interbreed (i.e. produce fertile children), so we're a single species. That's what the word means!!
Race is an artificial construct based purely on what people look like. That wouldn't be so bad if it were at least applied evenly, e.g. the Scandinavians are (generally) blond. blue-eyed and pale skinned, while the latinos are dark haired, brown eyed with darker skin. Using the "race" card, these couldn't both be classified as "white", but of course they are. So "race" is used as a value classification, not a descriptive one.
But of course that doesn't suit the crap and agenda being put out by this chick-lite comic
The abortion one is utter lies. Fetuses can move their arms by 12 weeks? Pretty impressive considering the brain doesn't attach itself to the body until the 3rd trimester.
By the way, saying whites are more evolved than blacks because they were evolving longer is like saying a wolf is less evolved than a Shih Tzu.
Evolution does not work that way. The species originated in an area where dark skin was favorable. When some left that area, they entered lands where lighter skin was favorable for survival. So that one attribute prevailed.
Note that the species is but one, since "inter-breeding" or whatnot is still possible. So not really evolved from, but alongside.
Truth For Youth! It rhymes! It all makes sense to me now...
Guys, sorry... Truth For Youth has turned me fundie.
This is among the biggest misconceptions I've ever seen. More evolved means nothing -- an animal could have evolved a thousand times in the past few millenia, and it would mean nothing, because evolution works on adapting an animal for it's environment. Caucasians might be more evolved, but that does not make my English grandparents any better than my Sri Lankan "sister". (We're such good friends, we call ourselves sisters)
Now, isn't it Christians who preech that Africans have darker skin for some such past sin...? There goes my newly-repaired irony meter.
Haha i love this site. monkeys evolved into fully formed human beings who had adapted their pigmentation to the enviroment thay then traveled to different regions and needed different tools to survive. If the original area of evolved humans happened to be britain that the monkeys would have become white people straight off , or asian etc. silly christians.
REAL racist (the [social-]Darwinist ones at least) claim that humans originated as Aryans in Scandinavia, and the other races degenerated from them. Of course, they have no proof, so they're now trying to claim that the first Men was Mongols...
... strange how 'scientific' racism always make the asians look best...
They used to do a nicer version of Chick's "Big Daddy", with kids politely debating their biology teacher (who was honestly stumped by polystrate fossils etc). Now they rely on "It's Racist, don't listen". Why? Did people try to debate with real teachers and find it didn't work?
No, not really.
The evidence suggests that humans came out of Africa, and a majority of white traits are more recent adaptations. However, the difference between the races is negligible- hell, there are generally more differences between members of an ethnic group than between ethnic groups, IIRC. Plus, black populations also adapted to their environment, such as with the sickle-cell gene, which, admittedly, is bad if you're homozygous for it, but offers resistance against malaria in heterozygous individuals. Evolution does not, in any way, say that one race is inferior to the other. Stop saying that it does.
In Kent Hovind's allusive and dubious dissertation, for his paper mill degree, he sites a source from the 1920s (which any college student knows you should not do) that makes the case for racism's tie to Social Darwinism.
I believe this is pretty much the "intellectual" source of trying to tie Evolution to racism found in "Christian" science textbooks for study in private Fundie schools and homeschooled households.
Hovind lived and worked in Pensacola, Florida. Where the largest publisher of Fundie and homeschool textbooks is located.
When he got busted for tax evasion, Pensacola Christian College (the publisher) and Hovind had a falling out.
"Some evolutionists still teach that white people evolved from "negroes" who evolved from apes"
Well, we have discovered that all modern humans are descended from a single small H. sapiens population that lived in Africa about 80,000 years ago, and those 80,000-year-old Africans more closely resembled modern black people than they did modern white people.
But I don't think that was what you're asserting, is it?
No, people were originally black, and then some became white, and each would have evolved seperately. The white adapted to the lower sunlight in order to prevent vitamin D deficiency, the black adapted to the higher sunlight to prevent skin cancer.
I've already commented, but this makes no more sense the second time of reading. You'd think they'd do some basic research as to the nature of their core demographic before going "hey guys, creationism contradicts your entire worldview!"
My Biology teacher would respond to this with "Wow. How eugenicist of you. I feel like I should put on a top hat and go back to the 1920s."
I like how in the drug one it takes a bad trip and an OD for him to accept religion. Also how God gets him off the hook for burglary.
What's really funny is how they constantly cite the Bible for things like "I don't think my parents are going to like this!" and "I promised mom I'd look out for you guys!" but nothing for "condoms are a millionth of an inch thick" or the Equal Access Act.
Well, that and the hilariously bad dialogue: "I'm gonna huddle on your line of scrimmage and go for the extra point!"
while it's probably true that black people came first and then white people evolved from them i don't see how that is automatically a bad thing.
i mean crocodiles are a really really old species and still pretty badass and smart, moreso than most younger reptile species.
I went to the website and read the Homosexuality, Porn, Safe Sex, and Rock Music comics. They're so stupid they're funny. But my favorite is the Safe Sex one, because it's just so full of lies it's unbeleivable.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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