[Replying to a thread about a child bringing home a book from school about different kinds of families, which includes two same sex couples.]
Yeah, they want to get to them as young as possible. They want to neutralize them so pedophiles have a shot at them at earlier ages. Stupid parents embrace this nonsense and of course when they get alittle older "situation ethics" will help validate this ungodly stuff. It's just another sign of the times.
Don't forget the bestiality! It's not a complete senseless rant unless you include bestiality AND paedophilia with same-sex couple!
Same-sex couple has absolutely nothing to do with paedophilia. And it worries me that fundies spend so much time thinking about this. There must be some deep-seated reason for it, surely?
/Yeah, they want to get to them as young as possible. They want to neutralize them so pedophiles have a shot at them at earlier ages./
No, no, you're talking about pedophilic priests, there. Apparently you have no sense of irony.
*temple rub.*
Yes, you got us. "Men who love men, and women who love women are not evil people" is REALLY code for "if a strange man in a trenchcoat and a van with tinted windows offers you candy, go crazy."
Seriously, I'm almost curious as to how they come across these logical disconnects.
No. That's parents who tell their kids that priests are "men of God," and should be trusted, setting them up for abuse. No one believe it, of course. A nice guy like that would NEVER hurt a little child.
Pedophiles don't make a family, stupid.
Or rather they do, but it's mostly a "traditional" family, with mom, dad and kids, with a mom and/or a dad who's a kiddyfiddler. Most pedophiles are straight males. Then comes straight female, and THEN comes gay males and females.
Rapture Ready
"Yeah, they want to get to them as young as possible."
The actual template for your religion is get people to believe before they develop logical thinking or skeptisism. YOU LOT INSIST ON EARLY INDOCTRINATION, FROM BIRTH then bitch if anyone suggests introducing the kid to,,oh,,,the world, science, society, SCHOOL by the time they're five! Which by the way, School, despite your whines, has never suggested there's no God, they don't enter it into curiculum because it's not education.
They teach what we do KNOW.
We don't KNOW there is a God, Let alone that YOU KNOW Him.
Just wondering,,,Is the massive lieing in the Bible Belt mentioned in Revelation?
Something like
"and their words will be untrue, on mass, and they will spread their untruths as the gardener spreads the manure of the bull,
and the people will become increasily stupid, dumber than they were, which is really saying something considering how dumb they've been.
And don't get me started on the Rapturites, Oh Vey.I've literally drowned million of things smarter than that lot.
Shape the Hell up down there, peace,out."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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