Similarly, when God itemizes the punishments for sexual offenses committed in Israel (Lev. 20:10-18), the injunction is nearly always that the wrongdoers "shall surely be put to death," removing any doubt that capital punishment is a requirement, not an option. This is the divine pattern - the way God operates. So if God expects all nations to punish sexual crimes, it is a duty, not a choice.
To sum up, all the sexual offenses listed in Lev. 18 (incest, lewdness, menstrual intercourse, adultery, homosexuality and bestiality) are public crimes. Since God has revealed these to be public crimes, man cannot decriminalize them, or downgrade them to merely private wrongs, much less can any nation turn such behavior into a protected civil right. Public enforcement via the exercise of civil power is a responsibility and duty for all nations.
The thing is that your religion is not someone else's religion. You cannot legislate homophobia and heteronormatism on other people.
The same people said the same thing about civil rights and women's suffrage.
There's a reason draconian laws were phased out by somewhat more civilized codes of laws, you know. Also, have you ever broken the sabbath by, say, walking more than a mile after friday sundown? Or ate meat and diary in the same course? Criminal?
Your god is an asshole, then, for giving us sex organs and the desire to use them, then punishing people with death (and presumably eternal punishment) for using them the "wrong" way.
And if you think you're ever going to be able to control people's sex lives, you're sorely mistaken. Nobody has ever been able to keep people from having sex, even gay sex. What you consider as the decline of the country into immorality is just people enjoying their natural sex drives like they always have, except that now it's not hidden like in times past.
If a woman has sex while she's on her period everyone involved should be put to death? Really? And lewdness, what is that? Even public indecency, incestuous sexual abuse, and animal cruelty doesn't warrant the death penalty.
And these loons wonder why people don't want to listen to their theories about how evil teh gayness is. Of course they claim it is everyone else who has their ethics out of whack.
"incest, lewdness, menstrual intercourse, adultery, homosexuality and bestiality" - Well of course. None of those things make it possible to knock up young girls so you can trade them for money and property.
1) This isn't ancient Israel. 2) If God wants these offenses punished, he can do it himself. We have more important things to worry about.
To their credit, most christians read books like Leviticus, realize they're horrible, and come up with reasons to ignore them. Gerald here seems to embrace them, which goes to show what a great guy he is. Gerald's God is mean-spirited and hateful, just like him.
all the sexual offenses listed in Lev. 18
Um, why just the sexual offences? I mean, there were a huge number of non-sexual offences that are in Lev. with the same punishment, so why limit it to just sexual offences?
Of course, that means that things like eating Pork, Shrimp, Lobster... wearing mixed-blend fabrics. (which is just about all fabric here in the West...) Any work AT ALL on a Sabbath... so you'd better hope you enjoy being in the dark and cold in winter.
Start thinking about all those "crimes" that God decreed should be punished by death... and work out just how many you commit every fucking week!
offenses committed in Israel ... So if God expects all nations to punish sexual crimes
Israel, Gerry. I thought you can't add to this shit and include everybody you dislike on your own. Go to hell, Ger.
Pule Thamex
I've got a suspicion that Gerald could trace his ancestry back to ancient desert dwelling goat herders
Ancient? I suspect they could be traced back a short way to tree people.
Shouldn't God put himself to death?
Well, Nietsche said He was dead, and nobody has seen Him around lately...
These are Jewish laws, nobody else's. If you want the keep them, you can also observe shaatnez and discard eggs with blood in them. You will also need to follow the Jewish commentators, meaning you can't execute anyone. Sorry to burst your fantasy.
Only the sexual crimes?
What about dietary crimes/abominations?
You could be caught on those.
OK Where's the first stone for me to throw?
I'm sure it was very, very awesome that ancient Israel was a festering totalitarian shithole and all, but as some people in this very thread have already pointed out, we're not living in ancient Israel anymore, and don't ever want to.
Really? Having sex with a woman on her period is as bad as fucking a goat and thus deserves death?
Now I wonder what would happen if two sisters who were both married to men were having sex on their periods, would that be a quadruple execution? Maybe make it in public and through in a chicken in there somehow?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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