Byron #racist

Please look at all of the nations on our planet, and then explain to me how America can possibly benefit by being controlled by a mixture of non-whites. Please show me any country, anytime in history, where peaceful multiculturalism has existed for any length of time.

Please explain to me why black Africans never invented so much as a wheel or an alphabet after evolving and existing for millions of years in huge geographical areas controlled and populated exclusively by them? Tell me why they starve on a continent able to feed the planet 10 times over?
Please tell me why upper class blacks consistently score lower on any test administered by the public school system than poor whites.

Please tell me why black males between the ages of 18-24 have a homicide rate ten times higher than their white counterparts.

Please tell me why, according to the Justice Department, 90% of the interracial crime in America is black on white? Then explain to me why you think the media never told you that fact......

Please tell me why black males are 14 times more likely to have HIV than white males.

You said that, "...closed minded people like yourself only lead to minorities making a bigger and more pronounced name for ourselves." Besides not having a clue what the hell that even means, I'd be interesting in some examples of exactly what you mean by that



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