Gregory Klimov #conspiracy


"Now we will talk Hi-Tech. Leaders of the world usually have complex of power which helps them to became world leaders. This complex is usually associated with suppressed sadism, which in turn is a result of latent homosexuality. We all have seen pictures of insane or semi-insane person, not huge at all, but 5-6 well built medical workers have a difficult time subduing him. This is perfect example of incredible energy that a semi-insane sadistical power-hungry person can produce to achieve his goals.

"Normal healthy people don't have this drive. How does it happen? We will be talking here about clans. It happened where two families married members to preserve land and wealth close to the clan and if this continues we have inbreeding of genes. Degeneration has three stages: 1. Sexual deviations. 2. Mental illnesses. 3. Inborn physical deformity.

"Once stage 1. infects a clan, degeneration of offspring accelerates. Clan degenerates now consider sado-masochistic traits superior 'gifts' and seek perpetuation through tightening of mating close inside degenerate bloodlines.

"If a family tree is healthy, has many new branches with many new and healthy leaves (children) - this is certainly a normal and healthy clan. On the other hand, if family tree is drying up (childless couples) [or] has many dying branches (suicides, mental illnesses) - you are looking at clan entering golden stage of decay.

"Degenerates hate normal people. It is pleasure for them to watch how one semi-insane sadistic leader, chosen by them, goes to war with another semi-insane sadistic leader of another country, also chosen by them. Millions of normal people are dying for the joy and sadistic pleasure of degenerates...

"Masons, Illuminates etc. - are clubs, where degenerates observe behavior of possible candidates and upon verifying real homo-sadistic inclinations of the person - promote him into the real world of power. Older clans that have reached stage 2. and 3. (losing their ability to produce surviving offspring) will seek secret insemination with new clan of physically 'healthy' psychopaths.



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