theot58 #fundie
This article is really silly, especially the statement "Young-earth creationism is a sin"
The real sin is that many Christians have been intimidated by abmit but empty claims by evolutionists and have accepted Evolution as a scientific fact when in reality the scientific evidence supporting it is pathetic.
“Evolution” is a vague word. The main defintions in the text books are:
1) "change over time", this is silly as it is stating the flaming obvious.
2) Micro evolution is minor changes within a species, this is real and observable and uncontested.
3) Darwinian/Macro evolution (where the conflict is) which asserts that:
a) All living things had a common ancestor. This implies that your great—.. great grandfather was a self replicating molecule.
b) The observable world has come into existence by totally natural, unguided processes and specifically WITHOUT the involvement of an intelligent designer.
The evolution battle is often MISrepresented as science against religion - this is baloney!
The real battle is between good science and Darwinism. When Darwinian/Macro evolution is scrutinised using the scientific method, it crumbles.
The scientific method demands: observation, measurement, repeatability. Darwinian/Macro evolution has none of these, all it has is circumstantial evidence which is open to interpretation. Ask yourself: What evidence is there that our great .... great grandfather was a self replicating molecule?
Dr John Sanford (Geneticist and inventor of the GeneGun) said .
“The bottom line is that the primary axiom [of Darwinian/Macro evolution] is categorically false, you can't create information with misspellings, not even if you use natural selection.”