Ferengi #fundie amazon.com

- If the laws of chemistry PREVENT the formation of organic molecules due to the chemical composition of the early earth atmosphere as oxydizing, then how is Darwinian-macro-evolution even acceptable as a scientific theory?
- If macro-evolution VIOLATES the very laws of nature itself, is it not contradictory and therefore false, scientifically as well as logically?
- The evidence tells us that chemical evolution is not possible, but complex intelligent life abounds. How is this NOT a violation of natural law?
- As a violation of natural law, is this not a super natural event by definition?
- The evidence presented establishes that chemical evolution is not possible, therefore shouldn't Darwinian-macro-evolution be discarded as scientific theory because it's assumptions have been verified as empirically and scientifically false?
- What is the only other competing model for the origin of life?
- Shouldn't Special Creation be given due consideration since it is the model that best matches the evidence?



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