i want to ask starter of this thread: can you give me the detail on how mathetical logic disproves evolution. i know one guy in a church whose good at math so i can explain it to him. i only know that einstein already proved existence of god with his Em=c2 equations (i saw it somwhere on the net).
"can you give me the detail on how mathetical logic disproves evolution"
Sure. It doesn't.
"einstein already proved existence of god with his Em=c2 equations (i saw it somwhere on the net). "
I saw somewhere on the net that the earth was flat. Now take the next step . . .
No he didn't!
Because it's E=MC^2
Being 'good at math ' is not the same thing as physics math. Ever see a blackboard full of equations. That kind of math.
No math equation could prove God. C'mon, think!
Math doesn't disprove evolution because statistics does not apply to it the way most fundies think it does.
E = m * c ^ 2 has NOTHING to do with God, so I dunno what the fuck he's talking about here.
energy equaling the mass times speed of light squared = GOD! Holy Shit, I never saw that before...its so simple, so beautiful, I've lived my life in sin and am going to buuuurrrn!!! Oh wait, um, which God?
Well, I don't know what kind of math this guy expects to find, but I have to say that this "math" , though perhaps it doesn't outright disprove God, makes it rather unlikely.
I want to cry.
Ug, I hope he never gets a hold of that comment about playing dice with the universe...
Seriously, can we have a stupidity rating in addition to a fundie rating? This one's an 11.
i only know that einstein already proved existence of god with his Em=c2 equations (i saw it somwhere on the net).
That equation has nothing to do with Jehovah and everything to do with the relationship between matter, energy, and the speed of light.
I can't believe I missed this. Holy Flaming Jesus.
Einstein also said "Only two things are infinite: The Universe and human stupidity,,, and I'm not sure about the Universe"
He must have known Evans personally, I guess.
Every physicist in the world are forming a very long orderly queue, ready to take turns in beating that stupid dopey grin off your face.
I wouldn't get too comfy though. After the physicists have had a go at you there is another longer queue of mathematicians.
I'm sure the universe Evans lives isn't OUR universe, right?
There's no other way he could get the (abbreviated version) of an equation one learns in HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICS wrong.
Please, Evans, go back the cave from which you originated.
That's perfectly valid logic.
Em=c2 -> God Exists.
Of course EVERY conditional that begins with a false premise evaluates to TRUE (One of the kinks of Symbolic Logic; check it out).
Therefore, it is exactly as true to say:
Em=c2 therefore God does not exist.
(I can't quite get my head around that misstatement of the mass/energy relationship, dividing by m when he should have multiplied. It seems to evaluate out that he's saying God is a massive square :))
E=mc2 (sorry, can't type the proper symbol on my phone); therefore, the god invented by a bunch of Bronze Age goat-sodomising daughterfuckers is real and he had virtual sex with a married virgin (virtual adultery? virtual rape?) in order to manifest himself so that he could sacrifice himself to himself and then be zombified so that he wouldn't have to condemn all of everyone ever to eternal torture. Just most of them.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... logic!
It's very easy to prove evolution is false using mathematics. I'll show you the steps:
Take two numbers, a and b, being equal.
Therefore, a = b
Multiply both sides by a
a^2 = ba
Subtract b^2
a^2 - b^2 = ba - b^2
(a - b)(a + b) = b(a - b)
Divide by (a - b)
a + b = b
Remember, a = b, therefore
2b = b
Divide by b
2 = 1
Subtract 1
1 = 0
Now we all know evolution is true, so its truth value is 1
Evolution is true = 1
But from above, 1 = 0
Therefore, evolution is true = 0
Therefore, Evolution is false
“i want to ask starter of this thread: can you give me the detail on how mathetical logic disproves evolution. i know one guy in a church whose good at math so i can explain it to him.
“i only know that einstein already proved existence of god with his Em=c2 equations (i saw it somwhere on the net).”
This is probably the biggest problem with the Faithful. They don’t learn anything about religion, just accept individual statements as fact, and regurtitate them when needed.
The OP doesn’t understand anything about Einstein, or how he ‘proved’ God, but he does recall that fact. That Em=c2 therefore God. But that means he can’t explain it to anyone else, just insist that someone, somewhere, knows how to do it.
Fact is, science cannot do anything with the supernatura, neither prove nor disprove.It’s like pointing a radar gun at the side of a cliff and reading the age of the rock. Doesn’t fucking work that way.
And logic is a tool for evaluating ideas. A totally false idea can be logically sound, jut not a fact. Depending on your assumptions, God may be a sound idea. But you have to prove that your assumptions are real for it to mean anything. And further, prove that your pfoof of God ONLY proves your God, not Allah, Ananzi, the IPU, and Cthulhu.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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