Yo, I saw a video today of a trump supporter getting jumped and that shit just ain’t cool man. Like we’re all out here to prove the racist motherfcker wrong and y'all out here behaving ignorant as fuck, nah I’ll never be down with that. You can’t fight hate with hate, and if you’re mad because Hilary didn’t win. Don’t worry we would have been fcked either way, she’s not any better even if she is experienced. And this is coming from someone who in fact voted for her.
Violence against white supremacists isn’t “fighting hate with hate”. It’s making it damn well clear that hate will not be tolerated, will not be passively accepted in the name of “being the bigger person”. Trump supporters voted a fascist into power and it’s our duty to stop the rise of fascism by any means necessary.
Hillary represents a different kind of evil, racism through legislation and behind closed doors. Trump got to power explicitly through outright racism and hatemongering, was endorsed by the KKK and neo-nazis—and refused to condemn them, because he knew they were the ones providing him momentum for his campaign.
People beating up Trump supporters are doing it because they see them for what they truly are and aren’t going to tolerate that shit.
Look, it was cathartic to see Spencer punched because, in that moment and that moment alone, he was a symbol of the outright evil that's been consuming America as of late. It won't be so cathartic to see Nazi-punching made into an official sport of the left-wing, because I'm afraid that is a recipe for civil war.
Some days, being an anarchist sucks. When idiots like this speak for the umbrella that is anarchism, you know it's one of those days.
You want government crackdowns? Because this is how you get government crackdowns.
As much as I hate Trump and those who support him (and that's a lot, btw), I don't think we should lower ourselves to their level. I think that in fights like this, only the moral victor is the true victor. Only by showing we are indeed better than them, are we going to win.
So please, everyone, don't discriminate against Trump supporters. Because that'll only give them more leverage.
Hillary would have been remaining with the status quo, with compromise and attempts to not make things worse. Would she have been a bad president? Maybe but she would have been a safe one. With Trump we have people trying to rip apart what already exists and they don't have something to replace it with. Draining the swamp is fine if you have something better to replace it with. Their plan is to take the swamp and replace it with a wasteland.
The sad thing is they will get away with it. Democrats are weak. They want to compromise while the republicans are stubborn and unmoving. The democrats will take any crumb the republicans give them as a victory, and it won't be one.
This whole Hillary is just as bad as Trump is bullcrap you don't have to like her to realize she wouldn't be as bad or worse.
@Meeeh: You do realize "fascist" as a term means absolutely nothing, right?
@Creativedamage: Tell me one thing she would have done. I listened to her in the debates and read her press releases, and I can't tell you a single policy she would have enacted.
@Both of you: Thank you for proving how toxic this mindset is.
I hate you, not only for thinking that aimless mob violence is an effective strategy (marches and protests do the job perfectly well), but also for thinking that a woman who has consistently stood up for the rights of minorities is somehow as bad and as racist as a man who has already drafted a ban on Muslim refugees and immigrants.
@Man Called Troll
You do realize that fascist has a meaning, fascists know it 's a bad thing that describes them so their brain goes blank when they try to think about it.
I listened to her in the debates and read her press releases and, discounting the possibility of candidates lying, her proposals were vastly better than Trumps.
Thank you for proving how toxic this mindset is.
Can we not pretend this is a clear cut argument.
(First off, Clinton is over, this has nothing to do with her)
These people's "political views" are hatred. They are advocates for genocide. They are a toxic blight on the world.
These are Actual Fucking Nazis.
Trump has been in power less than a week and is already clamping down hard on everything he doesn't agree with, throwing around executive orders like candy. He is spreading blatant lies through official sources and shutting down people reporting the facts. He is pushing for police to have the right to shoot protesters. He is 100%, undeniably a fascist.
Now, nonviolent protests are the right way to do things and I wish people would get more inventive and/or more aggressive with them. That being said, the American police have a long record of racist attacks and sheltering white supremacists within their ranks from justice. They cannot be trusted to uphold the law in these circumstances.
These are not normal times and we cannot hold them to the same old standards.
I don't want anyone to be attacked in the street, I also don't want to normalise Actual Fucking Nazis as a legitimate political movement. Don't ask me to choose one.
"I don't want anyone to be attacked in the street, I also don't want to normalise Actual Fucking Nazis as a legitimate political movement. Don't ask me to choose one."
There have been times and places where one of these 2 things will happen. If you don't choose one of them one will be chosen for you. You better think about your choices now while you have the time to do the thinking.
Name checks out.
Hillary represents a different kind of evil, racism through legislation and behind closed doors.
I'm sure you have some kind of demonstration of this position? What's that? You just made it up? Well, don't feel too bad, so did Trump.
I feel ya. It's like when you get reminded about AnCaps being a thing.
Honestly, I'm not in favor of violence to solve problems. It's why I dislike the state so much. If you're using the same tactics, what makes you better?
"If you're not with us then you're against us". Truly the stance of rational movements and ideologies throughout the ages.
I'm really disappointed in this place today. I'm supposed to have to click the source link--not the comments link--if I want to see the fundies up close.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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