When studying the Bible, there are portions which are poetic in their composition as well as those which are figurative. However, despite the poetic or figurative nature of certain passages, we still must take the literal meaning of those passages.
So, the Earth literally has 4 corners and rests on pillars, the sky is literally a tent, you can literally see the entire flat earth from a really tall mountain, and pi literally equals 3...
So when Jesus said he was speaking in parables, he was really just telling interesting stories? Was he really giving an agricultural lesson about the dangers of sowing seeds on rocks, thorns, etc. (Mark 4), rather than using it as a metaphor for sowing the word of the Lord among men? Was he really advising us not to put lamps under baskets and to sweep the floor looking for a lost coin?
So when the bible says the whore of babylon will sit upon many waters and commit fornication with the kings of the earth making them drunk (Revelation 17:1), we must be talking about an actual prostitute who was born or grew up in Babylon (a city that hasn't existed since 141 BC) who will travel the world, paddling on its many beaches and screwing the combined monarchy (constitutional and otherwise) senseless.
Anything else and it ain't armageddon!
Oh yes, and I guess that means God really is, in a literal sense, the lion of the tribe of Judah. Rawr.
If this were anyone other than Bro. Randy, I would think the point is "look for the deeper meaning in the poetic and figurative parts and take that literally", but consider the source, he might just mean "you have to take the figurative parts literally."
"despite the poetic or figurative nature of certain passages, we still must take the literal meaning of those passages"
Cool story, Bro. Meanwhile, the Catholic Church, and even the Church of England readily admit that much of the Bible is purely fable and metaphor. And they have within their ranks Professors of Theology. Now go find me an insect with four legs. Or a rabbit that chews it's cud. And care to build for us a wheel using the Biblical - and therefore literal - mathematical model that Pi = exactly 3?:
We're waiting...!
When studying the Bible, there are portions which are phony in their composition as well as those which are downright bullshit. However, despite the false or lying nature of certain passages, we still must take the literal meaning of those passages and swallow them hook, line, and sinker. It's not for us to question why god fucks with our heads. He's our daddy and we love him.
@ JP
For fuck's sake, BR, can you not even type 2 sentences without 1 contradicting the other?
He's like Moses, or whoever it was that wrote Genesis. Not Moses, but another guy by the same name.
So, how many burnt offering have you made today, Randy-boy? Was the chair you sat on all Sunday (to make sure you didn't do any work whatsoever) comfy or hard? Bombed any seafood restaurants lately? Or McDonald's, they serve cheeseburgers, which is an abomination to the Lord?
Poetic . . . . . . Literal.
Poetic . . . . . . Literal.
Poetic . . . . . . Literal.
Nuh-uh, I still don't know which parts you decide are poetic and which are literal. It can't be both.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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