My boys are 6 and 8
Okay. Why do I now I have the feeling that your about to justify brainwashing.
they learn about Jesus,
As do I. I see the similarities between him and the loads of other savior myths from the era, and before. But somehow I doubt they do, as well as yourself.
they know about Noah and the flood,
I know I brought up similarities between Jesus and other savior myths, but there are similarities between Mr. Noah and a character from circa 2700 BCE (at least the earliest confirmed writings of it are) in ancient Babylon, about 700 years before Abraham and Yahweh made their covenant, named Gilgamesh.
Both had a great flood, both where caused by man sins/wickedness, both built a boat, both packed it full of animals, etc. The point is, they are very similar. But I doubt you knew that before.
they understand sin,
Sin is a hugely vague concept. I remember what a friend of mine told me in grammar school (still haven't figured out if he was joking or not), "If you like doing it, it's a sin!"
they know the bad guys don't like Jesus,
Who are the bad guys? Is it everyone non Christian? Everyone not part of your brand of Christianity?
they understand that jesus was pinished on the cross for the things they have done wrong,
What this term "pinished", do you mean punished? Also as a former depressed Catholic (now a semi depressed, due to my depression which has been around my whole life, atheist,) I gotta tell you something. The whole guilt thing isn't healthy, nor helpful for when you ask for proof.
they have told Jesus they are sorry for doing wrong and ask Jesus if they can be in His family,
Again with the guilt.
they are not sure about water baptism,
Yes, because what kid doesn't love being dunked under water while all those around just say a few words?
they are ready for the rapture,
The poor kids, they are going to be so disappointed when he doesn't come this year, nor anytime within the next 70 or so years they are going to be alive.
they know Jesus has a mansion prepared for them
So Jesus is giving everyone mansions (or at least everyone in your sect of Christianity?) If only Oprah was so generous...
, they understand they return with Jesus at the second coming on white horses,
Why horses? Also it's been about about 1979 years, if your going by the year was 30 ACE was the year his last follower who knew him died, and that's if you believe that Jesus was a real person.
they hope their 2 dogs will be with them in the millennium,
Shame that All Dogs Go to Heaven is just a cartoon and not a documentary. In both the heaven and the dogs being in heaven regard.
they understand socialism is wrong,
Unless your drilling politics by giving your distortion at ages eight and six children are to young to fully understand them. Don't talk about politics at the table and pump them full of your spin, let them make up their own mind.
they don't want anyone voting for Obama in 2012
Well it's a shame that in 2012 they still won't be of voting age, nor in 2016. Maybe by the 2020 election your oldest will have some brains and do the research for his own. Somehow I doubt you will let them.
we haven't discussed religion yet
It sounds like you have with your talking about the Rapture, Jesus dying on the cross, et al. These are all religion topics.
On a side note. Please instead of using commas for a separator, use a period (you know they look like a dot.) And don't have a three and a half line sentence, nearly gave me a headache with all the lines of black text.