There is a difference between the baseless attacks against those of us who stand on the Word of God and the pointing out of the errors of the other false and deceptive doctrines.
Whaddya know? Bro got it (sort of) right for once: Baseless attacks are wrong, no matter what the target. The thing is, our attacks against the harmful fundie cult are based on rational examination of evidence and common sense. Since these things are forbidden in fundyland, it's obvious why those who stand on the word of gawd so easily delude themselves into believing that honest criticism is "baseless."
Double standards my friend?, Do you remember when Jesus said what´s your merit then?, because he was crystaline clear. You´re not supposed to be better just doing what the others do, only in the name of "truth".
Translation: If you say Bro. Randy's wrong, its a baseless attack against those of us who stand on the Word of God; if Bro. Randy says you're wrong, it's pointing out the errors of false and deceptive doctrines.
yah, cos, like, my religion is, like, totally the right one!
Did you all know that Brother Randy used to be known as Cousin Randy?
He'd disappear for years, then one day he would just show
Dad would buy him shoes, give him $50 and he'd go
He talked about the good old days of war in Vietnam
Did two tours of duty with his new love heroin
You knew he'd be covicted before he was ever tried
Did his time in Chino, then Folsom and Wayside
But every day was prison, molested as a kid
Abused by his stepfather, hard to believe the things he did
We call him Cousin Randy
Couldn't get up in the morning, couldn't get to sleep at night
Swore the room was full of Demons, but nothin' was in our sight
No one was safe when Randy came out to play
He would leave you for dead and then just walk away
We call him Cousin Randy
One time while at Grandma's, it was getting kind of late
Randy stayed outside 'cause his odor was so great
He walked out the door and I told him "good night"
He charged me, grabbed my neck and he started squeezing tight
Dad and Jim and Grandpa jumped on to his back
He screamed "What's so good about it" before he let up his attack
The neck day, while we were swimming, he tried to drown my sister
Laughing as she struggled, then he pulled her up and kissed her
We call him Cousin Randy. To us, he's just Cousin Randy
Yep, sounds as dangerous as Bro. Randy.
Lyrics by 'Infectious Grooves'
There is, if the attacks against the Word of God are baseless. However, more often than not, the attacks aren't.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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