Anna Diehl #fundie
God gives love only when it benefits Him to do so. This means that if we are to love like God, we want to also give love only when it benefits God for us to do so. How do we know when God is no longer interested in loving someone? We don’t unless He tells us. But right off we can identify one group of souls who God no longer loves: those who have already died without submitting to Him on earth. This means that if we are to please God in the way that we love, we need to also stop loving those who have died without submitting to Him. To pray for God to have mercy on souls who died without ever submitting to Him is wrong. When we ask God to keep loving souls who defied Him on earth, we are ignoring the fact that His love is conditional and we are disrespecting His boundaries. This is insulting behavior which far too many Christians are caught up in. If someone dies without submitting to God, our attitude should be “they deserve what they get.” Does this sound merciless? It should, because God is merciless in eternity towards those who defied Him on earth.
There’s nothing more obnoxious than thinking we can out love God or top Him in the departments of mercy and grace. So when we sit around weeping over the idea of souls burning in Hell and blast Heaven with prayers to for God to be kind to those who spat in His face their entire lives, we are not acting like Christ, nor are we impressing His Father. Instead, we are insulting Them both for all three of our Creators are pro-Hell and will shed no tears whatsoever for those who end up there. Who is it that is kicking back in Heaven enjoying the smoke of the torment of souls writhing in anguish in Revelation? It’s Jesus—our loving Lord who is a lot more things than just love (Rev. 14:9-11). And who is it that finds it satisfying to lead the souls in Heaven out to take a look at all the souls rotting in the torment of His wrath? Yahweh (Isa. 66:22-24). We would be wise to take heed of Jesus’ warning:
“I’ll show you the One you should be afraid of. Be afraid of the One who has the power to throw you into Hell after killing you. I’m warning you to be afraid of Him.” (Luke 12:5)