Alan Vaughn #fundie

“Terrified of Rolf Harris.”
Haha, yeah maybe it was his beard?
Seriously though: this means she ‘suffered’ for at least 11 years, presumably sometime between 1968 and 1980 but doesn’t say a word about it at the time it was all happening – when it would surely be most ‘traumatic’? No— However, she suddenly noticed how traumatized and how dysfunctional she’d become, over 40 years later? Doesn’t make sense—.

Ah— Of course! The lure of thousands of pounds ‘victim’s compensation’: like so many of her peers, reminded her of her ‘terrible ordeal’..
Hmmm— The power of money – so true – this case proves it without a doubt: It’s amazing how it can so easily reawaken the deepest, darkest and most long forgotten memories; especially in middle aged women who cannot accept they are no longer the hot, sexy teenage ‘groupies’ they were when they were enjoying the attention, not to mention unlimited SEX, with world famous celebrities, such as Rolf Harris, back in the best years of their (now miserable & pathetic) lives – ‘the swinging sixties’ and seventies.

The worst part though, is if she loses – i.e. the case is dismissed: NOTHING happens to the false accuser, even her identity is still protected, whilst Rolf and all of his family and their descendants will have to suffer the shame, indignation and scapegoating, for many years afterwards, possibly for an entire generation or two.

A lot more noise needs to be made about that aspect of these witch-hunts.



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