Evolution is a theory for which the criteria is an impossibility. The discovery of DNA has proven it wrong. You are living in the past.
Are you trolling, or is it the opposite day? Because if anything, DNA has proved evolution right. But DNA wasn't needed for that, evolution was proved right before DNA was discovered.
Quite right Gaylen. I even understand what you mean. Yet all the usual suspects will claim that you are incomprehensible.
Ps. If Darwin were alive today would he be an evolutionist?
PPs. Good morning to all the British Pod people screaming troll and pointing.
DNA has proven evolution right on many degrees
In fact, DNA is pretty much one of the main pillars of the evolution theory, since mutations and heredity occurs here
Are. Criteria are, not is.
Is this the DNA that never ever changes from one generation to another, and never gets miscopied at all, which is why all organisms born are exact copies of one another? That DNA?
@ #1543629 ; cut and paste
criterion (n.)
1660s, from Latinized form of Greek kriterion "means for judging, standard," from krites "judge," from PIE root *krei- (see crisis). Used in English as a Greek word from 1610s.
Just conduct an experiment on history dude. You know, like, Michael J Fox in Back to the Future. Surprise us.
Tell us you were there.
HA HA f......... Ha
P-G Age20/IQ13
Still ignorant, I see.
you might well say that DNA, and its imperfect replication during reproduction, was PREDICTED by evolutionary theory.
well, by descent with modification; DNA's role in both sexual and asexual reproduction of eukaryotes matches what's needed for conservation of traits through inheritance and introduction of novel traits by mutation. in what way would DNA and its functions REFUTE any claim evolutionary theory made up until Watson, Crick, and Franklin?
Criteria is a plural noun. Your verb does not agree with it. Basic grammar. Please used correct English.
Other than this, what you say is rubbish. Hardly surprising for someone whose command of langugage is so deficient.
I'm so glad you have to be somewhere when an event occurs for it to actually happen... it means that PG doesn't post here at all.
After all, since I never see him make the posts he supposedly makes, he can't be making them.
Oh, and he wasn't there either... unless he was right there where the server is located and watched the various changes to the database as he made his "post", which he wasn't... so PG has no proof that he's ever made any posts here.
Great thing is, it also means he doesn't have any proof that he can give us that he even exists... that's why asking "were you there" is something only a brainwashed fucking moron would try to use as any kind of argument.
"Evolution is a theory for which the criteria is an impossibility"
Huh? Which criterion in the ToE is "an impossibility?"
The discovery of DNA has only bolstered the ToE.
You are living in a delusion.
Funny... I was under the distinct impression one of the most effective criticism of evolution was the absence of any know mechanism of trait transmission, as Charles Darwin postulated in The Origin of Species .
That is, until about 90 years after he published his theory, when Watson and Crick discovered DNA.
If anything, their discovery spectacularly vindicated Darwin's insight.
Guys, guys, even if he can't see it. Please do not feed this one. Please. I beg of you, just let this one slide
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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