Sola Awolaja #fundie
Glorious Rapture: Are We Really Fanatical? Dedicated Rapture watchers are regarded as “Rapture fanatics” by scoffers and unbelievers. To them, we are filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm about glorious rapture. They are always mocking our rapture blessed hope. They regard rapture as a “fairy tale” or fantasy. Whether people believe it or not, the rapture is at the door! Whether people believe it or not, Jesus Christ will appear in the sky for the glorious rapture suddenly! The blessed hope of Rapture watchers can’t be suppressed by opinions of mortal men. Our immortal God (Jesus Christ) is coming to take us to heavenly New Jerusalem on rapture day. This is our blessed hope. Scoffers have been mocking Rapture watchers for over 2,000 years! Raptured or left behind? People must decide now! Time is running out!!! Rapture day is inevitable!
Rapture: Are Rapture Watchers Scare Mongers? To scoffers, dedicated Rapture watchers are alarmists and scare mongers. They are wrong! Rapture day is a prophetic reality! Whether people believe it or not, rapture day is at the door! Whether scoffers believe it or not, Jesus Christ is coming for the glorious rapture. Whether doubters believe it or not, the apocalyptic Antichrist and False Prophet are already in our midst. However, they are still pretending as “men of global peace.” Revelation 13 will become fulfilled after the inevitable rapture. The Restrainer (Holy Spirit) will leave the earth with raptured saints on rapture day. This will enable the satanic New World Order (NWO) to become a reality. Holy Spirit is still presently restraining NWO. After rapture, Antichrist and False Prophet will commence their evil end time agenda. They will be empowered by Satan. The mark of the Beast (RFID chip: 666) will be enforced worldwide (Revelation 13:16-18). Rapture watchers, be ready always for rapture.
Rapture Is A Reality!!! Indeed, rapture day is inevitable. Rapture will occur suddenly and unexpectedly! Numerous signs and events worldwide indicates that rapture day is imminent. Therefore, we must be perpetually ready for glorious rapture. We should remain as dedicated Rapture watchers and soul winners for our Lord Jesus Christ. Glorious rapture is a reality and our blessed hope. Jesus Christ gave us this blessed assurance: “Because you have kept my command to endure, I will also keep you safe from the time of trouble (tribulation) which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth.”(Revelation 3:10). We will be among the raptured saints by God’s grace. We will walk on heavenly golden streets and dwell in our glorious mansions forever. Raptured saint or tribulation saint? “Raptured” in glory or “martyred” in pain? Raptured or left behind? Decide wisely!!!