jesusfish #fundie

What books have you been forced to read in school that clearly go against God's word? I can't even count the ones I've been made to study for some reason or another that are completely unholy:

-Moby-Dick (homosexuality, idol-worship, defiance of the Lord, referencing of the Bible for evil, etc.)
-The Iliad / The Odessey (Greek mythology, false gods, monsters, adultery/other sexual sin)
-Much of Shakespeare (ghosts, magic, faries, witches, sexual humor)
-Maus (the suggestion that anthropomorphic mice are sentient beings)
-The Scarlet Letter (adultery mainly)
-The Hobbit (obviously...)
-Lord of the Flies (name is a reference to Satan, idol worship, paralleling a human character to Jesus)
-Bless Me, Ultima (glorification of Catholicism, witchcraft for healing, and another human/Jesus parallel)

And there are many, many more.



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