1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior
Please tell me the rabbits aren't going to hell.
2. Idol-worship? What about God? Isn't he technically an idol you worship?
3. Pffft... Defiance of God huh? Now, obeying God without reason is called faith.
Now, the bad points about faith. It leads to false hope, ignorance, bigotry, the Holy Crusade, the Spanish Inquisition, Al-Qaeda, George W. Bush...
3. Referencing of the Bible for evil? I'll take it as treating the Bible as a BAD book. Thats not too far from the truth. Refer to the part about defiance of the lord about the bad bits of reading the Bible, resulting in faith, point 2.
4. Greek mythology? Now thats some crack you're SMOKING! Its just myth! Just like your little Bible. Miracle its still around, unlike Greek mythology.
5. False gods? There are NO gods. Problem of evil, argument of inconsistent revelations, poor design, the list goes on.
6. Monsters? Now those are FICTION. F-I-C-T-I-O-N!
7. Adultery and sexual sin? Now I can't refute that. It IS bad after all. But if count anal sex as a sexual sin, refer to homosexuality, point 1.
8. Shakespeare stuff is just FICTION! And if you get offended by sexual humour, tell the ****ing teacher!
9. They were used to represent the JEWS! To show that they were hunted down by GERMANS, represented by CATS! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maus#Animals_used
10. Nope, can't refute Scarlet Letter. Still, just say you're offended! The Bible told you to keep your mouth shut and read what you're given?
11. I assume you mean fantasy. I must stress again, F-I-C-T-I-O-N!
12. Just a reference, moving on. Refer to point 2 for idol worship. Paralleling a human character to Jesus? I don't really understand what he/she is referring to. Enlighten me.
13. Its JUST A RELIGION! No different from yours! Onto witchcraft, point 11. Nope, don't get the parallel.
Now now now, if you still don't believe me, and think this books should be burned, tell the ****ing teacher, and hope he/she isn't a Christian.