Tim Dukeman #fundie afellowtruthseeker.blogspot.com

Bible-believing Christian: Homosexuality is wrong because the Bible says so, clearly, in several places.
Culture-believing Christian: You're not supposed to judge!
Bible: What do you think about the holocaust?
Culture: It was Horrible! Obviously....
Bible: Why was it horrible?
Culture: Because a bunch of people were murdered!
Bible: Why does it bother you that people were murdered?
Culture: Because Genocide is wrong! What's wrong with you?
Bible: Aren't you judging Hitler?
Culture: Well....
Bible: What's the difference between me saying that homosexuality is wrong and you saying that Genocide is wrong? Aren't both of us judging?
Culture: You're a homophobe!
Bible: Classy. Is that your judgment of me? Have you judged me to be guilty of homophobia? That's the second time you've judged today!
Culture: Stop judging me! You're not supposed to judge!
Bible: So are you going to retract your earlier statement that Genocide is wrong? Or are you going to admit that sometimes judging can be productive and helpful?
Culture: [storms off]



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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