Mack Major #fundie

If you're wondering why the sudden interest in mermaids, and why Hollywood is pushing out movies like "The Shape Of Water" and tv shows like #Siren, it's because there is an agenda. The agenda is to bring what's in the water onto the earth.

The Bible has a lot to say about the wicked things that dwell beneath the waters. (See Job 26:5, Revelation 9:14, Revelation 13:1)

See, Christians in America are often the last to know or understand what the devices of Satan are, because we aren't told much about them. Either preachers don't teach on them, or many are simply unaware of these things themselves.

Yet the Bible is full of references to what's in the water—something spiritual, ancient and exceedingly wicked.

From the depths of the oceans and seas, much of Satan's operations against humanity and the Church are launched from.

These new tv shows and movies aren't coming up with these things out of thin air. They're getting their marching orders direct from Hell.

And while believers are busy enjoying the shows and thinking nothing of them, they don't realize they are slowly being seduced, lulled to sleep and recruited by Satan as part of his agenda to finally introduce to the world the hidden powers of the sea that are about to make themselves seen and known on planet Earth.

** In my ebook DIVA GODDESS QUEEN 2: MYSTERY BABYLON REVEALED, I discuss the underwater realm of the spirit in much greater detail. This is the place where many (not all) demonic spirits operate from. And it's the source for much of Hollywood's inspiration, and why many in the entertainment industry become sexual hedonists. It's all in the water!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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