"The Lot story has never made sense to me.
If Lot was such a righteous man, why did he offer to let the townspeople of Sodom gang-rape his daughters?"
Because God is clearly a paedophile, and he wanted something to fap to.
Care to prove me wrong, fundies? After all, how do you account for the fact he allows paedophilia to exist to this day? He did after all have sex with an underage girl - Mary - and in the process break his own 7th Commandment.
And the fundies wonder why we Atheists don't want to worship their 'God'?!
Cant disagree with most of your post, except that Mosley didn't create the Daily Mail. Was supported by it, yes, but didn't create it."
The CEO of said newspaper at the time, Lord Rothermere, supported not only Mosley, but Mussolini and Hitler:
Thus not for nothing do we Left-wingers (and readers of the Guardian & Independent like yours truly) refer to it as the Daily Fail.*. Oh, and as for Oswald Mosley, the people of London's East End certainly made him & his Blackshi(r)ts welcome:
'They Shall Not Pass' indeed.
*- If I were as rich as Bill Gates, I'd take over this paper, and force it's editor, writers etc to be hyper-left-wing.