A liberal is a morally bankrupt individual who does not have the moral clarity that is only present in Sacred Scripture. They are typically against traditional marriage, for deviant family units that are far removed from the nuclear family, against life for the unborn, and for corruption in the world that results from the degradation of traditional values that the nation's founders had.
Liberals include such individuals as former President Barack Hussein Obama, former Secretary of State and current sad loser Hillary Rodham Clinton, her husband and former philanderer in chief Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton, and noted heathen/seductress Taylor Swift. These individuals are quite clearly morally bankrupt, and their influence in modern society has led to the coarsening of American culture, to the point that America is catching up to secular Europe in vulgarity.
Marxists such as Obama and Swift claim some form of Christianity, but are usually atheists in hiding. Obama was classified as a non-denominational Protestant, but besides going to the hateful "church" of "Rev." Jeremiah Wright, Obama has shown no interest in the Lord. Swift is a nominal Episcopalian, a liberal denomination that allows practicing lesbian "bishops" and "priests."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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