(Responding to another group member who wrote, in part: "In order to show evolution of man from another species or any type of evolution, you would have to see one species evolve from another. A brand new species does not show evolution or any type of evolvement. You won't find any. If it happened, evolution pushers would be shouting it from the rooftops.") Boldface mine:
Of course, there have to be intermediate species. No evolutionists denies that.
The fossil record, however, shows the first of every major animal phylum appears in the record fully formed with no evidence they evolved from anything.
The missing links are missing by millions. Evolutionists have lame excuses for all the missing evidence -- species fossilized by their intermediaries didn't or evolution happen in bursts, so fast that it didn't leave a fossil record but so slow that it now can't be observed.
Evolution isn't a valid scientific theory. The Cambrian Explosion and lack of fossil evidence for it proof God create species in their present form.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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