Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Barf bags and Pepto-Bismol are flying off of store shelves as Day 3 of the Charleston Circus rolls on. As expected, Sulzberger's Slimes continues to dedicate its entire front-top page (print edition) to the event. There is, however, a bit of very good news to report. Our initial suspicion and subsequent hypothesis are now confirmed. The Anti-New York Times is "happy" to opine that no one died.

Let us take comfort in the fact that, due to the obstinate gullibility of Boobus Americanus, the CIA has come to realize that killing real people in real 'false-flag' attacks (such as Oklahoma City 1995, 9/11 attacks of 2001, London 7/7 train bombing of 2002, etc) is no longer necessary. Why shed innocent blood when it can all be faked with crisis actors and CIA journalists? (Sandy Hook School, Boston Marathon Bombing, ISIS "beheadings" etc) Heck, at this point, the Feds & Media could probably get away with a fake nuclear bombing of a fake American town!

Mourn not for the murdered Bible-studying Black Folk of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, for they are alive and well, presumably enjoying their new identities and wads of CIA cash. Following are just a few of the "tells", as they say in poker parlance.

CRISIS ACTORS (bad ones too!)

Fake grief, followed by smiles and laughter.

This boy's mother was just murdered and he's giving press conferences? He claims he feels "weak in the knees" with grief, but then cracked a smile! Immediately after the "massacre", all he could think of was "tweeting" out about his mother: “Pray for my mom please.”


Then we have the "heroic" White lady, (there must always be "heroes" with these scripted events), the one who conveniently spotted the fake suspect in North Carolina after watching 'Fox & Friends". Fox News says so.

“I’m not the hero. God is the hero. He just used me." Sure He did, Debbie. Sure He did.

Grieving faces and tissues, but where are the tear tracks?

Cut it out, Obongo! You and your scripted little "racist-TM" White "psycho" aren't fooling anyone....On 2nd thought, you actually are.


An alert reader has just informed us that the day after the fake massacre, with the nation distracted, the House of Representatives voted to grant "fast-track" authority for Obongo's stalled sovereignty-busting TPP deal.

Boobus Americanus 1: You know, if it wasn't for the quick thinking of that brave woman in North Carolina, this racist psycho would have gotten away.

Boobus Americanus 2: Indeed. God put her in the right place at the right time.

"And you freakin' idiots actually believe that bull-sh!t?"

(I'm afraid they do, Sugar. I'm afraid they do!)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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