Sodomite rendezvous service television advertisements.
The television sations where I live have been running a lot of advertisements for some kind Sodomite rendezvous service. One shows a cowboy talking about how hard it is meat guys out on his ranch. (I feel sorry for the poor cattle! ) The other show a Black guy ordering himself a white boy.
Years ago the local TV sation used run to lots of old movies. As Child I was rather fond of Abbott and Costello, Shirley Temple, Ma and Pa Kettle, Francis the Talking Mule, John Wayne, Westerns, the Good the Bad and the Ugly and old War movies. Now it seems like they never run any movies made before 1980 on Free TV. A child will never see any of this stuff these days. They will see ads for Condons, "the pill," anti-VD drugs, and Sodomite rendezvous service between sick and evil programing.
Thais is really sick, sometimes I think the Taliban were right to smash the TV sets...
Where does this guy live? I live in LA, and I've never seen a single ad for a gay dating service on TV. I don't watch that much TV, but still, I'd remember it because I'd be jumping up and down with joy!
Clearly, the rate of rise of Islamic fundamentalism is inversely proportional to the number of Abbott and Costello movies on broadcast television.
Fear not, however. I've heard that the second coming of the Three Stooges draws nigh. As any good theologian can tell you, Larry, Moe and Curly and the tripartite manifestation of a single person, the Holy Stoogefather. Shemp, however, was the Antistooge. He has been cast into the Lake of Reruns and shall not be resurrected on the coming Day of Poor Judgment.
One shows a cowboy talking about how hard it is meat guys out on his ranch. (I feel sorry for the poor cattle! )
Well, you have no problem with them being SLAUGHTERED, lol.
I think you'll find that heterosexual hillbillies and rednecks are the ones fucking animals, lol.
"Sations? Condons? Meat?" Was Francis the talking Mule doing the typing? "Sodomite rendezvous advertisements" on TV? Was he watching a "gay porn" channel? And (oh I hate myself for this), was the Black guy ordering eat-in of the "other, other white meat"?
Were they right too to deny education to women, to make public executions or forbid men to shave their faces?. Second, do you think that war movies and westerns are edifying examples of morality?. Since when is there an ad for gay dating(or straight, for that matter), out of cable channels?, where have you seen those condom or pill advertisements, unless you have been to a family planning clinic? please, kill yourself.
Yup, we've got to return to the mythical "good old days", when people could be freely discriminated against due to their sexual orientation, or skin color, and when we had John Wayne teaching us that we could solve all our problems by killing people. It's called progress, Faust, and if some station really is advertising a dating service for gay people, I'd call that a hell of a step forward. And keeping your children completely ignorant of the world around them is doing them a hell of a disservice. Anyway, seeing an ad for condoms on television isn't going to warp their fragile little minds, especially if they have an intelligent adult to explain things to them.
"Anyway, seeing an ad for condoms on television isn't going to warp their fragile little minds, especially if they have an intelligent adult to explain things to them." - Morgan
That's where the whole argument falls apart for fundie children. They don't have an intelligent adult around to explain things to them. They just have a fuckwit parent putting everything in simplistic black and white biblical terms.
It is your parental responsibility to monitor what children are watching on television. If you don't then that is your problem and exposes you as the incompetent dimwitted excuse for a parent that you are. Children should not be watching television past 22:00 o'clock, or whatever time adult material comes on. If that's too hard for you to understand then go kill yourself. At least maybe then your kids will end up with more responsible parents.
EDIT: On second thought, scratch that. Even though I think you're a piece of shit, I still cannot deny any children of their parents. My apologies to you... but more to your children.
Oh, and there's a reason they don't show those shows now - they're all shit.
The Good the Bad and the Ugly shit? What are you on?!
Ah, nothing more suitable for impressionable children than war movies and the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!
There are two kinds of peoples in this world. Those with intelligence and fundies.
I'm somewhat bemused by the commentators here who refer to cable. Perhaps his later reference to Free T.V. is a seperate issue, but not necessarily. The simpler hypothesis is that he isn't in the U.S.A.
In Tasmania we have a gay matchmaking sevice that advertises on late night free-to-air T.V.; I'd always presumed they advertised in the other States of my Country as well. (Still, I haven't seen the specific ad he describes.)
It's not really anything to shout for joy about, but certainly nothing to warrent Faust's rant either.
Abbot & Costello Meat Frankenstein
...and the poor cattle are left out. Maybe John Wayne will meat them later.
John Wayners really hate when you try to tell them his real name was Marion
This guy has clearly never seen "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" if he thinks it's lukewarm and family-friendly. Hell, the time it was made was when semicoherent "Good ol' days" rants like this first started popping up.
Thais is really sick, sometimes I think the Taliban were right to smash the TV sets...
Right, because everyone knows that the medium is synonymous with the information it is used to carry. TV sets have the potential to show things you don't like, so you'd better destroy them. The same argument can be made (and often has been made), equally effectively, in favour of destroying telephones, radios, the internet, libraries, printing presses, public meeting places, and peoples' very eyes, ears and tongues.
Can you see where you made your mistake yet?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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