Hollywood luvvie Meryl Streep has given a speech lambasting President Elect Donald Trump. No suprise there. The Alt-Right, led by paedohysteric Mike Cernovich, has responded by pointing out that Streep gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski – the director still wanted in the USA for taking a 13 year old girl up the ass, back in the 70s. No surprise there either. His Twitter feed has quickly degenerated into a shouting match as to who are the bigger paedos – Conservatives or Libs – complete with pictures of Trump kissing a very young cutie on a bed (Brooke Shields?) and Obama apparently feeling up his own teen daughter’s ass on the sofa.
This is what political discussion has been reduced to in the death throes of Western civilization – which side is the bigger paedophiles for openly showing attraction to fertile teenage girls. The really creepy thing is, both side’s Twitter armies are full of profiles with anime avatars showing very young pre-pubescent girls. In fact, I believe the alt-right are particularly famous for it and even have a group dedicated to it (anime).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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