Evolutionists have been obsessed for decades with crushing all opposition to their egregiously bad junk-science religion. They cannot debate the issues intelligently. They rely on indoctrination and censorship of all opposing viewpoints.
The cult of evolutionism proves that outside of their fields or affected by peer pressure, scientists are every bit as ignorant and dogmatic as they proclaim their critics to be.
Or they're just tired of showing you mountains of evidence only to have you ignore the evidence, set up strawmen, and go on proclaiming how evolution is a lie.
Seriously, are there any arguments against evolution that haven't been thoroughly refuted?
For how can it be that a mind so imperfect, yet so weak, must be considered lesser than than the mind of an educated bacterium?
How can it be that people can be cleverer than a doltish ignoramus like Doctor Doom?
It must not be! For I, Doctor Doom, will force people to bow down before my superior inferiority!!! My incredible ignorance powers shall triumph over all!!!!
Today - the internet! Tomorrow - my fellow inmates!
For verily ,Doctor Doom, the world's greatest dumbophile - a lover of ignorance and crass stupidity, - has internetted.
Oh so shiny...
You could replace it.
This impostor spews lies. Not only do I believe in evolution, I have witnessed it happen before me.
In fact, on of my "defeats" has come from an evolved being. Damn Squirrels.
creationists have been obsessed for decades with crushing all opposition to their egregiously bad junk-science religion. They cannot debate the issues intelligently. They rely on indoctrination and censorship of all opposing viewpoints.
The cult of creationism proves that in every field, creationists are every bit as ignorant and dogmatic as they proclaim their critics to be.
Yeah, how dare those scientists not know everything there is to know that is outside of their fields!!!
So Doomie, what exactly is your field of expertise?
Speaking from personal experience, it's tiring to keep trying to teach creationists what evolution actually says only for them to 1) spout another strawman, 2) completely ignore you, 3) leave the conversation, or 4) respond with some BS and then block you from commenting. I used to think that people could be educated and that people legitimately wanted to learn. That is, until I discovered creationists. I naively tried to have a legitimate discussion and point out their errors thinking they would appreciate the help. But after a number of conversations with creationists (as well as UFO people, Bigfoot people, ghost people, ESP people, etc.) I'm the one who learned a hard lesson: most people don't care to be educated or discover anything. Most are perfectly happy to hold onto magical thinking just because it's easier. Not kidding, I've had a conversation where a person called the orbit of the planets a miracle.
So every single scientist in the world is a dumbass that was brainwashed and tries to suppress all opposing views with scary processes like "peer-reviewing"
That'd sound like a Poe if it wasn't from good ol' Where Stupidity Dwells
"You're wrong, therefore god"
Interesting how all they seem to do is try to poke holes in science and then say that somehow proves god. Say they're right, and all of science is wrong, how does that in any way prove that there is only one other choice, and what they're claiming is the only other choice is somehow correct?
Proving something wrong (not that they did) doesn't automatically prove that whatever crap they want to propose is somehow correct.
They cannot debate the issues intelligently.
Sure they can when someone comes up with an intelligent alternative other than "gee, it must be magic".
Provide an alternative theory that describes the state of nature better than evolution and I will abandon evolution in two seconds.
Only idiots and the religious cling to theories that outrage reason. My guess is that Doctor Doom would fit in both categories.
Evolutionists have been obsessed for decades with crushing all opposition to their egregiously bad junk-science religion. They cannot debate the issues intelligently. They rely on indoctrination and censorship of all opposing viewpoints.
Oh dear... did he write this before the Kitzmiller V Dover case, where a massive amount of evidence supporting Evolution was shown, and sweet fuck all against it?
Surely he wouldn't be so stupid as to write this shit now...
"The cult of evolutionism proves that outside of their fields or affected by peer pressure, scientists are every bit as ignorant and dogmatic as they proclaim their critics to be."
The likes of you - Conservative Christians who believe in Creationism - voted for George Dumbya Bush: a Conservative Christian who believes on Creationism. . Twice , no less.
In 2002, Dumbya personally appointed to the Federal bench one John E. Jones III. Three years later, he presided over a certain court case: Kitzmiller vs. Dover.
The Honourable Judge John E. Jones III is a Conservative Christian .
It's almost as if Dumbya - and by definition the likes of you - possessed 'great foresight ' in the chessgame that was Evolution vs. Creationism; your God-Emperor of the Religious Reich stacking the deck your way, to ensure your educational 'agenda' would succeed, certainly to make China's schools, colleges & universities - that aren't hamstrung by 'religion' - inferior to the US's, would it not...? [/hyper-sarcasm]
(Part II):
...oh yeah, that's right Duckturd Dumb: that nasty thing called [i]Reality[/i] somehow snuck in, and [i]re[/i]stacked the deck for those 'ignorant' and 'dogmatic' scientists; even though your lot had a scientist (and a Professor of Biochemistry, no less) to sway said Conservative [i]Christian[/i] judge's decision, via Creationism by Stealth that is (un)'Intelligent Design'.
Cre(a)ti(o)nists have been obsessed for years about how said court case has crushed all opposition to their egregiously bad pseudo -science: religion ([un]'Intelligent Design'). You and all your ilk cannot debate the issues intelligently (pun intended...?!). You rely on indoctrination and censorship of anything that opposes your 'Faith'.
...meanwhile, China continues with filling it's state/corporate R&D facilities from it's unlimited pool of pure, Atheist , educated talent. You want that, Duckturd Dumb: becoming inferior to your closest superpower rival...?!
In Soviet China, God worships you .
Moral: Hind sight isn't 20-20, I think you'll find. You made your country's educational/Constitutional bed, now lie in it.
For our Simian friends that are more evolved than Doctard Dumb, he said, "I have no counter-argument, so I'll just throw my poop at you."
Since you believe evolution is crap, I hope someday you have to go to a doctor that also believes evolution is crap and he prescribes 50-year old antibiotics, because you know, they worked perfectly fine 50 years ago, and as you claim evolution is crap, the bacteria can't have evolved, they can't have added beneficial information...
What's that you say? The antibiotics aren't working? So sorry, that's all you get. Your sickness must be a result of your sins against your god.
More years ago than I care to count, I attended a debate between Hal Clement (SF writer and biochemist) and some local Christer on Evolution. After watching the local Christer ducking and bobbing and getting the brown stuff kicked out of him, Clement actually had to jump in and beg us to cut the lightweight some slack, and so the rest of the debate broke down into "Weird Proofs of Evolution."
This goof sounds exactly like that: "I know you are, but what am I?"
'Evolutionists have been obsessed for decades with crushing all opposition to their egregiously bad junk-science religion. They cannot debate the issues intelligently. They rely on indoctrination and censorship of all opposing viewpoints. '
I've oftentimes heard this about Christianity.
He may not see this, but if he does, I have every reason to suspect he'd use some batshit logic to 'prove' me wrong, and insult me, thus 'proving' that he is better than me.
“Evolutionists have been obsessed for decades with crushing all opposition to their egregiously bad junk-science religion.”
Yeah, weird how people who honor integrity and attempt to be honest dislike and resist people like you telling stupid lies about the science, huh?
"They cannot debate the issues intelligently.”
We can. We just get tired of pointing out your errors, stereotypes, and outright lies.
“ They rely on indoctrination and censorship of all opposing viewpoints.”
Nope. The ‘censorship’ is not because you oppose, but because it’s fucking unconstitutional to teach your religion in schools.
“The cult of evolutionism proves that outside of their fields or affected by peer pressure, scientists are every bit as ignorant and dogmatic as they proclaim their critics to be.”
And again, we’re back to people whose job depends on honesty and supporting their claims being accused of lying by people who will say ANYTHING to promote their viewpoints.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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